In this case, the HR34 already has *nix on it. If you know about *nix, you know there aren't a whole lot of "optimizing" solutions available for it.
You must've read the wrong Wiki page about *nix

I'd turn off half (or more) features of the windowing manager (that would be for the GUI, not the TV picture). Compositing.. buh-bye... transparency.. buh-bye... hover-over popups (ie. the @#%$@#% ads in the guide).. see-ya... re-nice the task priorities. There would be many ways to attempt to skin that cat.. if the user really had access.
something.. anything to get the guide not to lag so much. (actually that makes me wonder if the guide is better without the mini live-view window... assuming that is an option.. hmmm... something to try tonite)
then I'd start hacking the XML for the menu structure to... oh, and to allow the buttons on the remote to directly access items like Pandora with a single-click. (re-purpose that useless "Active" button).. but this type of access will never be permitted.
This is a 99.9% closed system (other than 30KSIP and 30SLIP)... for all I care, it might as well be running AmigaOS.

The performance of the HR34 is essentially out of the control of the end user. All credit and blame belong to DTV. IMO, they get maybe a B-.... I'll still trade 2-3 of the tuners for better performance.
Based on the above comments about Hopper (which I have not used)... I guess Dish had a "snappy" DVR first

And DTV is playing catch-up with the HR44.
Now don't get me wrong.. the HR34 is probably still better than any box from TWC