Who did you have a crush on when you were younger?

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From "Family" fame.


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Without a doubt!!!!

I came across a young lady who could pass for her very easily aside from an obvious diference in atributes;) I've got the url around here somewhere but would have to post it or her photo's in the backroom or send it out in a private message.
It has to be Cindy Crawford. I had this poster of her in my room for years and when I got married my wife said, Cindy is not coming to live with us. :(


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valeri bertinelli, maureen mc cormick, blair warner gal

carol kaufmann, a teacher at langley high school, who always wear a wig, everyone wondered what her real her looked like..... i have made attempts to locate her today, classmates.com sort of thing. still have a letter she sent me.

a old girl fiend from high school, have the goodbye letter she gave me. wierdly although were both married to others we are best buddies, and went on a group vacation last january to disney. its not romantic......

liked the gal from the waltons the oldest daughter....... till she started stripping....
Brenda Scott, who was known as Brenda Smith when she sat at the desk in front of me when we attended Reseda High School in 1960.


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