White Space Reduction Act Of 2014

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I also like to see post count. I refer to it when I want to see if it is a "newbie" posting. I also like to see where people are from even though some people dont like to say. I look at it when someone posts something that I would like a reference... such as weather or serious news happenings.
I do not want the top nav bar.

The option to use the "Fluid" version doesn't work for me, because that then also shifts the width of the view to remove that 1 inch space I prefer to have.
Your wish is my command. There are no options for the non fluid styles not to have the floating nav bar. :)
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It looks like the Nav Bar confuses the positioning of the first unread message in the thread, the first line or two jumps up behind the Nav Bar when jumping to next unread message.

Love the Nav Bar, hate having to scroll up.
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