Some possible wrong thoughts:
The EHD is useable even with the bug. So you might as well get started. Just follow the advice to not play off the end of the recording nor to stop the playback. Just DVR out. Fix soon.
The DVR usage is not hard as it is only used to archive, unlike a 211 where it would be giving you rewind and skip back/forward while viewing continuously.
The Dish recordings only require a 5400 rpm drive for full usage. They do not make use of more speed. Potentially less heat.
By the time you need the warranty you will not find your receipt.
The "Free Agent" model has had a problem with sleep mode. If not disabled it will lose connection. If still enabled it will run more. Most suggest WD drives, although I have 3 other 1TB models (1 raw) vs 5 750GB WDs and 1 1.5TB WD raw.
The EHD is useable even with the bug. So you might as well get started. Just follow the advice to not play off the end of the recording nor to stop the playback. Just DVR out. Fix soon.
The DVR usage is not hard as it is only used to archive, unlike a 211 where it would be giving you rewind and skip back/forward while viewing continuously.
The Dish recordings only require a 5400 rpm drive for full usage. They do not make use of more speed. Potentially less heat.
By the time you need the warranty you will not find your receipt.
The "Free Agent" model has had a problem with sleep mode. If not disabled it will lose connection. If still enabled it will run more. Most suggest WD drives, although I have 3 other 1TB models (1 raw) vs 5 750GB WDs and 1 1.5TB WD raw.