cyuhnke said:Where's Bravo HD? It's only point was to show the Olympics. And now it won't happen.
Who said it won't happen?
Personally, I can hardly wait to see the 2004 Summer Olympics on Bravo HD

cyuhnke said:Where's Bravo HD? It's only point was to show the Olympics. And now it won't happen.
the problem with your maximum capacity arguement is that the number of channels is based on an average bandwidth of 12mbps. Can we get past that capacity bologna? and the voom has everything full bullsh$t. It changes depending on the bitrate. Please dont insult me with "bitrate doesnt equal quality" either.Ilya said:I voted "Other". I do not see a need to get rid of anything! Neither now, nor down the road:
1. VOOM is not using its maximum capacity yet.
2. The second satellite will be available in 3-4 months.
3. MPEG4/WM9 can be rolled out if the bandwidth becomes an issue.
Just keep adding new channels. No need to sacrifice anything!
vurbano said:You are dreaming about Voom dropping sd channels. no one else has. And I doubt voom will ever have 12 million subs like d*. I shudder to think what the cable number is. LMAO
NBC was afraid they would be upstaged by their own station. I.e. compelling bravohd olympic coverage would compete against NBC analog content during primetime. SO instead of seeing HD olympics on BravoHD in real time, you are going to have to tune into NBC a day after to see chopped up versions of the best events. The extent of the content on BravoHD will be drastically reduced thanks to the jerks at NBC.riffjim4069 said:Who said it won't happen?
Personally, I can hardly wait to see the 2004 Summer Olympics on Bravo HD...of course, it won't be broadcast until Winter 2005! Talk about tape delay. :yikes
This is a copy/paste from the BravoHD website:cyuhnke said:Where's Bravo HD? It's only point was to show the Olympics. And now it won't happen. I would dump all in poll. Just keep about 3-4 Cinema channels including Monsters and AMC-HD when active. I know I'm in the minority, but I just can't watch bad programming, even if it's in HD.
when do you think voom is going to have millions of subscribers? 2010? By that time the HD channels may not even be a mirror of sd content and bandwidth may not even be an issue. Voom needs to concentrate on surviving day to day at this point. They dont even have a big enough sub base to fund a spinoff yet.bryan27 said:You missed the pointthe HD and the SD dupplicates are part of the basic package on VOOM. On D* and cable they are part of a higher tier package. D* & Cable can't drop the SD channels because not everyone can receive the HD channel.
Since everyone with VOOM can view the HD channels there is no reason to have the SD channels. Once VOOM has several million subscribers they will have the weight of the subs behind them to demand the SDs be removed. I think the service will peak at about 3 million afew years from now. They don't have that now and can't make that demand on the channels
I wouldn't doubt that if D* or Cable put ESPN-HD in the basic package and all subs could view it the SD version would go away very quickly because they have the subscriber base to threaten removal of ESPN all together. But since they charge extra for it they aren't going to ask that the SD be removed.
vurbano said:NBC was afraid they would be upstaged by their own station. I.e. compelling bravohd olympic coverage would compete against NBC analog content during primetime. SO instead of seeing HD olympics on BravoHD in real time, you are going to have to tune into NBC a day after to see chopped up versions of the best events. The extent of the content on BravoHD will be drastically reduced thanks to the jerks at NBC.
DarrellP said:If the SD channels got dropped, then you'd have people bitching about burn in on their 4:3 analog sets (which won't happen, BTW, if properly calibrated, I can attest to this over the last 4 years), you just can't win.
Someone else posted the link to this discussion on avsforum. NBC has a press release saying no Olympics on Bravo-HD. Of course, last month I saw a repeat of '02 Olympics, and I'm sure Bravo-HD will air summer Olympics this fall. NBC lied to get people to buy Bravo-HD, and Voom was stupid enough to beleive them.DarrellP said:This is a copy/paste from the BravoHD website:
Bravo HD+ will turn any hi-tech home theater into an entertainment powerhouse with breathtaking high-caliber performance arts, exclusive high-stakes sports coverage including the Olympics and the Triple Crown, plus The West Wing like you've never experienced it before.
bbtkd said:The SD duplicates are useless.
DarrellP said:NOT! The HD channels are in 16:9 and there will be black bars top and bottom, I watched HD & DVD's like this for years before getting my pj.
Try putting your stb in Auto mode, I had to do that to make the picture format work properly.bryan27 said:My Sony Trinitron 4:3 doesn't have black bars at the top and bottom of the HD 16:9 channels. The HD channels fill the entire screen and are squished to fit. I tried the RF Ch.3, S-Video, and Y-Pb-Pr video outputs and there isn't any top and bottom black bars.
I've had the STB connected to a 1996 Aptiva 13" 4:3 computer monitor and there still isn't black bars on the HD channels.
Even changing the Picture Format in the menu doesn't create top and bottom black bars on those outputs.
DarrellP said:Try putting your stb in Auto mode, I had to do that to make the picture format work properly.