Though we have never seen Chronos' face, it is implied that Chronos knows Rip. In the fourth episode, when Druce and Chronos catch up with Rip in the Soviet forest, Chronos calls him "old friend." Mick and Rip were never particularly tight, but Mick does have a flair for the dramatic. Plus, Rip calls (contemporary) Mick his friend in this very conversation. ("I won't be able to tell Mick he was right … He was convinced you were going to kill me.")This theory does have canon working against it. In the comics, Chronos has served as an alias for three separate characters: David Clinton, Walker Gabriel, and Jia. The David Clinton version of the character served as a villain against the Ray Palmer version of the Atom. Will Legends choose to honor that comic book relationship by making Chronos someone related to Ray Palmer? The powers that be are big comic book fans, but they have also shown a propensity for translating canon with a twist — i.e. making Connor Hawke Diggle's son rather than Oliver's.If Chronos isn't Mick, who is he? Well, as long as we're on the subject, he could be a future-version of a different member of the Waverider — i.e. Ray Palmer, Rip Hunter, Snart, etc. It doesn't have the same narrative efficiency as a Mick reveal, but it would certainly make things emotionally interesting. The Arrow-verse has a habit of using villains who have had close relationships with their heroes — i.e. Slade Wilson or Malcolm Merlyn in Arrow or Harrison Wells in The Flash.Alternatively, Chronos could be a random dude from Rip's past, perhaps someone he trained or worked with as a Time Master. Personally, I think this is the least interesting option, though — if done right — the show could make it work. Whoever it is, here's hoping Legends of Tomorrow executes the reveal well. With only five episodes left in the season, it's time for the time-traveling action adventure to make some character-driven, game-changing moves.