Which is the Best HD receiver for DVI?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
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Dec 1, 2003
It's almost football season again and I am looking to get a HD receiver to be able to watch the games in HD. I have a TV that has Component and DVI inputs, but I use the component input for my E*, so I need a D* HD receiver with a DVI interface.

I know that each receiver has it's own pros and cons, but which so far has proven to be the best reliable or stable. And which receivers do I definitely want to avoid. Finally, besides Ebay, where can I buy the receiver without having to worry about committing for 12 months of service or being able to turn up the receiver b/c it may have a balance or other issues that belonged to the prior customer.

Why 12 months

Unless I am mistaken, you said you were looking for an HDTV receiver. I assume you mean an off air ATSC receiver. If so, why would you need any committment?

Used to work for a semi-national consumer electronics company and we sold DirecTV as well as ATSC tuners. Had good customer feedback on a Samsung model or two. (SIRT150,151 I think) And they have DVI outputs as well.

Best regards...
OK, I'm an idiot

... just noticed you had posted this inside the DirecTV forum! Oh well.

The LG DirecTV receiver was a really good deal as I recall. DVI out and nice menus (better than Samsung). Slightly faster firmer I believe too.

But no, not a DVR.
Hughes HTL-HD

I bought the Hughes HTL-HD, and after the software upgrade, it works ok. Locked up once and rebooted once, but otherwise stable.
I just got my service yesterday with the Hughes HTL-HD, and I like it so far, but I have nothing to compare it too.

kryten, what's this software upgrade you speak of?
I had the Hughes HTL unit for two months it stopped working. I now have the Samsung 360 it has worked perfectly and have had no problems with the unit so far. I like the guide better it fills the screen in every mode and it has caller ID. The picture quality I think is better in SD as well as HD I defiantly would recommend the unit v120.
Does anyone here have a LG receiver or at least tried one. It is my understanding that LG made the sony and hughes models, but they all differ in features.
towelie said:
I just got my service yesterday with the Hughes HTL-HD, and I like it so far, but I have nothing to compare it too.

kryten, what's this software upgrade you speak of?

I don't remember what version was on the HTL-HD when I bought it (1.68 or something like that), but during the first night, the software upgrade to version 2.0.

I had some black bars on the screen before the upgrade, but non after. Also, the channel mapping was not clear for the locals (local now on their REAL channel number), and the guide stays on whatever guide you choose (surf, custom, etc.). Before upgrade, guide would always revert back to "all".
I just purchased the Sony SAT-HD300. I like it a lot althought I probably paid too much for it. C'est La Vie'
does anyone have the LG model

also, Circuit city and Best buy have the Hughes model for $299, is that for new customers only, or can I buy it as an existing customer without having to make a commitment
Depedning on how long you have been a D* customer and how much you spend a month you maybe able to get it for much cheaper the $299. Give them a call and ask for customer retention.
minorthr said:
Depedning on how long you have been a D* customer and how much you spend a month you maybe able to get it for much cheaper the $299. Give them a call and ask for customer retention.

D* was only willing to give me the special for $199 and I would have to commit to 12 months. I only use D* for the NFL ticket.
If you threaten to cancel to switch to cable or DISH (I really had a legit offer from my cable company that I was about to get) then you may be able to get it for $0.
Neutron said:
If you threaten to cancel to switch to cable or DISH (I really had a legit offer from my cable company that I was about to get) then you may be able to get it for $0.

The problem is that I am not a regular D* subscriber. I only subscibe to the NFL ticket and they know this.

And even if I did get them to give me the receiver for free, they would expect a commitment in return, which I am not willing to make since I am already with E*
I don't know what the best HD receiver for DVI is but the new RCA DTC210 has DVI. Don't think there's any reviews for it anywhere though. I just ordered it, hope it works well.
cgraigy11 said:
I don't know what the best HD receiver for DVI is but the new RCA DTC210 has DVI. Don't think there's any reviews for it anywhere though. I just ordered it, hope it works well.

How much did it cost and where did you order it from, if you don't mind me asking
I am still unsure as to where this talk of trying to get a deal through Directv comes from. Threatening to cancel service may have some merit, but for anyone who has had it less than the year comittment that is out the window.

I have been a Directv customer in two locations for well over 3 years, I called and they said they do not give special deals no matter how long you have been around. I called back again to get a "second opinion", and i got the same response. I doubt that it is really that possible to "get a deal" becuase you have been a customer for a long time.

Pretty much any reciever you buy from a retail store will require a 1 year contract to be signed and on file (ABT, CC, BB, all of them require a contract). Maybe if you find it on Ebay or something you can get a deal, but after buying a few hundred various items on ebay, i am not all that satisfied with the quality and condition of things sometime. Point is don't toss up any money (especially with those con artists at paypal) that you do not mind getting screwed out of.

If you need sunday ticket and can't live with a year contract get ready to pay at least 150% of the new subscriber price for a reciever. I am sure other folks here have some places online that may be cheaper and not require a contract.
The only reason Directv gave me the deal on an HD box like they did was because I had an honest cable company deal that would have pulled me away. I called to actually cancel and the Directv rentention CSR said "What would it take to keep you as a customer?" I told them I needed an HD box and he offered it for free, I didn't ask for it for free.
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