Which is better Dish or DirecTV??


Original poster
Sep 8, 2006
Peoria, Arizona
Hi all I am new to these forums and very happy to have found them!! I am a former DirecTV customer. I currently have Cox Cable in Phoenix. I am strongly considering going bac to Sat Tv. I now have 2 HD TV's and am using a hd dvr from Cox. I dont wish to have NFL ST so I dont need DirecTV but I dont know much about Dish. Is the new 622 a nice unit? how does PQ compare between Dish and DTV? I am sick of the analog on Cox. Any help would be appreciated. Tia

Dish or Directv

Hi Jim,

I think that it depends on your needs. I had Directv from 2002 through 2005 and switched to Voom (until they folded). Then I had a year of Comcast. I know what you mean about the blurry fuzzy analog stations with Cable. I have a VIP 622 HDDVR and love it. The HD is great, the standard definition stations look very good too, if you have a roof top antenna for your locals, the 622 is great at pulling in and tuning the HD and digital stations and making them look great, and it suppies SD to a TV in another room independently of what some one is watching on the HD television in the primary room. I also have a VIP 211 HD non DVR box and like it too although I have to occasionally reboot it when the HD locals get choppy. If you are an HD fan, then Dish is definitey your best bet at this time. I think the count of stations with HD platinum package is 30 HD stations (not including HD locals). I don't miss Comcast cable-TV a bit. (although I am considering re-installing their high speed internet) Good luck with the decision!

azjim66 said:
Hi all I am new to these forums and very happy to have found them!! I am a former DirecTV customer. I currently have Cox Cable in Phoenix. I am strongly considering going bac to Sat Tv. I now have 2 HD TV's and am using a hd dvr from Cox. I dont wish to have NFL ST so I dont need DirecTV but I dont know much about Dish. Is the new 622 a nice unit? how does PQ compare between Dish and DTV? I am sick of the analog on Cox. Any help would be appreciated. Tia

If HD is your priority, then Dish is the best hands down. If you want NFL, then DirecTV is the way to go. If just want a bunch of channels at a decent cost, I still vote for Dish.

If you are a soccer fan, be aware that Dish does not yet have Setanta.
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I had DirecTV at one time, but switched to Dish about six years ago. In my area the cable system is very bad with only a few HD channels and high prices, so for HD Dish is about the only choice. I have two 622s and a older model 6000. I totally love the 622s. They have features that none of the other DVRs have such as the dual outputs and the built-in stereo RF modulators. I have the RF outputs of both 622s combined so I can watch TV1 and TV2 from either 622 in the kitchen, bedroom, etc. I have had no problems with either 622 since the last software upgrade. I also like the Serius and Muzak audio channels. At times when I am working at home, I turn on one of the Muzak channels for instrumental music with no talk.
I had DirecTV for years until recently....

I switched to Dish because the HDTV was cheaper, and far superior. I did hate losing the NFL ticket, but with all the games they are televisong on a national scale now, it's not that big a deal. You have your 2-4 locals, a Thursday night game, a Sunday night game and two Monday night games now.
I have both Directv & DISH HD and vote for DISH. However if you have not searched this Forum and others do so before you decide. Also check out the features on DVRs, too. The more research you do now the happier you will be with your change. GOOD LUCK & welcome to our Group.
Right now it's Dish Network that is superior for an HD lineup. I'm a DirecTV subscriber who likes its platform much better and know that additional HD programming is on the way.

When it comes to making a decision when getting one service, it's a matter of researching the programming offers, and following it up with pricing and service.
The only reason I can see for going with Direct is NFL content.

If that's not a priority for you, then Dish offers more channel bang for the buck, far more HD content, superior SD and HD picture quality, and great HD-DVR units at very fair prices to lease or buy.

Cable in my area only offers eight HD channels (pathetic) and the HD picture quality is a bit soft. Many cable channels are analog, not digital, and it shows in the very soft picture quality of analog SD content. Plus, the equivalent cable channel package is more expensive per month than what I pay through Dish (it's amazing how cable prices have skyrocketed over the past ten years -- far more than the rate of inflation). Cable varies by area, so in your 'hood it may be a decent alternative but in my area it blows.

Give Dish a whirl -- I think they have some sort of money back deal if you try it for a couple weeks and don't like it.
if you are looking for HD content, dish is better. but if you just want SD and you can get your hands on a Direc TV TIVO then that might be a better choice because it is much better than the dish dvr.
I don't have an HD TV and will not be buying NFL Season Ticket, but I'm about to switch from from Dish Network to DirecTV. I was tired of the DVR that Dish offered that has only one tuner.

They could get me a DVR with two tuners, but it would cost me more than $100. With DirecTV, I'll get two tuners on a two-tuner DVR and, on top of that, I'll get $150 cash back, which will pay for my Center Ice subscription this season. In addition, I'll get an I-pod shuffle in the deal.

The installation won't cost anything and the analogous programming level actually is about a dollar less. So instead of being $100 down to get a better DVR with Dish, I'm coming out $150 ahead and then some with DirecTV.

For those who know both services, is my move a smart one? I've only had cable TV and Dish Network.
IceRunner said:
I don't have an HD TV and will not be buying NFL Season Ticket, but I'm about to switch from from Dish Network to DirecTV. I was tired of the DVR that Dish offered that has only one tuner.

They could get me a DVR with two tuners, but it would cost me more than $100. With DirecTV, I'll get two tuners on a two-tuner DVR and, on top of that, I'll get $150 cash back, which will pay for my Center Ice subscription this season. In addition, I'll get an I-pod shuffle in the deal.

The installation won't cost anything and the analogous programming level actually is about a dollar less. So instead of being $100 down to get a better DVR with Dish, I'm coming out $150 ahead and then some with DirecTV.

For those who know both services, is my move a smart one? I've only had cable TV and Dish Network.
One small addition e* 2 tuners= 2 tv's, d* 2 tuners = 1 tv only

Where to "move" in Colorado?

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