This is actually a big joke to me. I don't think this feature will ever make it. E* has such a hard time getting their $#!+ together.
RandallA said:If they enable the USB port, I can almost guarantee you that not every USB Hard Drive will work. They will enable it but only the USB Hard drives sold by Dish Network will work. More money for them.
I say this because I see a lot of people saying that they have their "500 GB USB Hard drive ready". Well most likely those hard drives won't work.
Anyway, it's been posted that the implementation is to let you play directly from the external drive. That appears to be working. Getting it to work with any ViP on your account is the part that they seem to be having problems with, and may be a later added feature.
navychop said:Then I'll count on that. Maybe I'll get a nice big drive for Xmas.
rockymtnhigh said:I would not buy ANY drive for the 622 until E* announces whether you will be able to use your own drive. They may very well force users to purchase a drive from them. I pushed them at CEDIA about this, but got no real answer. I would wait until it is announced.
And anyway, price on external drives continue to drop. Buy it when they say we can and you'll get more drive for less $$$.
Smith said:Since there is NO difference in functioning internal vs external disk in terms of electrical and physical parameters of HDD, we will see SAME approved list. Don't believe ? I'm bet my 750 Gb Seagate against same size of your.
David_Levin said:Huh? I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but an external USB has nowhere near the performanace of an internal SATA.
In any case, the implementation they are talking about only requires 1 stream to the external drive.
In general, the specs aren't going to make much difference. The speed limiter will be the USB interface. When burn DVDs with my external burner, the speed maxs out at around 12x (15.84 MB/s). The HDD should be able to go faster.
I timed my pocketdish transferring 10.9 GB of data.... Took 45 mins, 9 secs...
I believe thats 4.12 MB/s. This time it's probably limited by the 4200 rpm 1.8" PocketDish Drive.
In any case, 10 gig is about 1 hour of Hi-Def. Since it took 45 mins to transfer this to the pocket dish, 1 real-time stream over USB should be fine.