Where is USB External Storage for the 942/ViP622?

Jolard said:
However, I can't see how they would do this with a non-DVR receiver, as the remote does not have the required buttons...
Good question! Perhaps they will sell you a new remote just for that? :D
In any case, do not expect the household key solution this year. It's still far from being ready.
The only thing that we can hope to see this year (if we are lucky) is the external drive bound to specific VIP622.
Jolard said:
<...>However, I can't see how they would do this with a non-DVR receiver, as the remote does not have the required buttons, the software would have to be heavily revamped etc. Would be interesting to see.
Not that heavily, nonDVR have almost the same CPU with ability to play DVD stream or recorded from disk - just need new driver for support USB disks and feed same point where is normal satellite stream coming. Well, not that easy as written by myself but doable from SW developer stand point. ;)
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Jolard said:
However if Dish requires me to buy their branded $300 300GB drive, (which I could get for $99 non branded) and then I cannot buy a larger one for a few more years, I will be very upset.

Some may say I am overly passionate about this, but 30 hours on the 622 is just not enough space for recording shows. The external drive support is a much needed safety valve.

I won't buy a dish branded product that isn't price competitive. $100 for ~300gb sounds about right. Any idea if the HDDs will be swappable? From the tone of the discussion it sounds like you would only be able to use one total. Not multiple HDDs that you can unplug and plug another in. Any word on that?
long_time_DNC said:
Hook up a usb hub and put 8 drives on the puppy? :) That'd be fun! Wonder what the storage capacity limit of the 622's OS is?

I like how you think! I have 3 x 250 (750mb) usb drives laying around (I love woot) .. that would rock if I could do that..
Hmmm, are we in fantasy land or reality land?

Obviouly, locking an external hard drive to a receiver is much easier then a household. Oh well, locked to the receiver is still better then nothing.

Fantasy Land: I'll take the central whole-house PVR. I'll need 6 tuners (OTA & Sat compatible). And, or course, user expandable storage. Probably best would be a tower case with around 6 user accessible hard drive trays.

Support for 4-6 remote HDTV's should do the job.

It would be cool if Echostar, Direct & Cable would allow the tuner to be built onto a card (PCI?), then a 3rd party could make the tower. The user could then configure the tuner to his liking (could add Sirus/XM to the mix as well).
I don't see they will spend a lot of money for develop such modular STB, just look how many attempts they did before get 5th generation of DVR works ( I-7100,II-501/508/510;III-721/921;IV-522/625/942).
This doesn't seem to solve any of the problems I see, except to increase the size of the HD.

I hang on to DVRs a long time because i value the content that has been saved on it. If I change receivers, or my HD crashes, I lose that content forever. Not good.

I am perfectly happy to be restricted to have recordings linked to my account, and even to a receiver FOR NOW. However, they've got me upgrading equipment every few years. My 4 year old 508 is getting pretty obsolete. My 6 year old 4900 is almost unusable. So why would I think that the stuff I save on my shiny new 622 is going to be usable in another 3-4 years? They need a workable upgrade path.

Next question is backups. I don't care if the content is encrypted and locked, but it sure would be nice if it could be backed up to an archive media. The sad fact is that discs fail, and on the computer side you absolutely need an archive path. Why should it be different on the video side? As described, this is impossible.

I guess I'd look at buying one to increase HD size, but I don't see any real advantage to the consumer in this scheme other than effectively turning a 622 into the newer 632. Disclaimer: I haven't heard any rumors of a 622 replacement. I am just speculating that eventually something will come out to replace it, and it will have larger storage capacity.
Ilya said:
By the way, with the household key it will be possible to play programs (off the external hard drive) not just on DVRs, but on non-DVR receivers too!

This assumes they activate the USB port on other USB equipped (and MPEG-4 capable) receivers. I didn't get a solid answer from them.
You might be able to actually, but it would require software on the receivers. Because you can do this with PocketDish units I believe. (At least some of the PocketDish functions)
jayn_j said:
This doesn't seem to solve any of the problems I see, except to increase the size of the HD.

I hang on to DVRs a long time because i value the content that has been saved on it. If I change receivers, or my HD crashes, I lose that content forever. Not good.

Hmmm, Your right. I don't consider the PVR to be permanent storage. Even an external HDD on the account doesn't work since you can't depend on the Hard Drive not to fail.

PocketDish is closer since is doesn't remove the content from the source drive. Also, I believe the pocket files can be backed up from the Pocket Dish HDD. But, then can only be played on the original unit, and if that unit fails....

Really, the only archival solution is fireware backup to DVHS (or perhaps HD DVD). They may never let us do this....

Firewire on the 921: Never Happened (which was also cancelled due to security concerns).

None of Dish's other boxes have the port (assuming we're ignoring USB hacks).

TiVo has a hack that disables encryption, then the files can be burned (on a PC). But HD Direct Tivo is a dead product.

Stand-Alone Tivo Series 3 ? - Well, again no firewire. Pehaps a hack again to disable encryption (if they haven't yet closed that hold).

Cable boxes have the firewire, but I believe they are now limited to unprotected source (over-the-air). Which we can also do with a tuner card in a PC (unless they kill that with the broadcast flag).

Overall, I think we're screwed for making out own archives (unless we hack something). More and more content is being protected. They don't want to give us permanent storage -> not with all those DVD box sets sitting on the shelves.

Ultimately, a nice Hi-Def video on demand system over fiber could eliminate the need for any home-based long term storage.
Ultimately, a nice Hi-Def video on demand system over fiber could eliminate the need for any home-based long term storage.

This will be the long term solution, and you are exactly right. A subscription service to the universal library. It will be a long time coming, and unless the MPAA and RIAA kill it, it will get here eventually.

I already use Netflix like this in a way. I rarely buy DVD's anymore, because I know that in a matter of 2 days I can get any DVD netflix has. Granted it doesn't allow me to spontaneously watch a movie, and I buy certain favorites for that, but most of the time if I have an itch to watch a movie I can wait a couple of days.

While we are dreaming, I really like the idea of being able to archive video files off onto backup media (DVD Roms or HD-DVD etc). I don't care if it is a nicely locked up DRM'd file that I cannot watch until I transfer it back onto a drive connected to my 622, but it would be nice to be able to back them up.
Maybe they delayed the rollout to coincide with the release of Windows Vista in January? :)

Hey, who knows?

All I know is, that with six family members recording their favorite shows, HD content is filling up my DVR hard drive real fast and I need an external solution.

I'd love to add 500 GB.

Get off the stick, Dish.

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