Where is USB External Storage for the 942/ViP622?

This is precisely why the Hollywood Bast***s don't want you to have a DVR and why they put the squeeze on Charlie. It's also why we have to keep archiving this stuff. I got all six Star Wars in HD for $25 (two moths of HBO). Can you imagine what that box set will cost when it's released on HD-DVD? Of course they want you to keep forking over the dough each time.
Ah, a soothsayer indeed.:)

If the Movie / TV industry had their way, you would not be allowed to record anything from any source nor be allowed to make a backup copy of a DVD or tape you purchased.

I think if they really had their way, all DVRs and DVD recorders would be outlawed and purchased DVDs would be designed to self destruct after one year.
This is precisely why the Hollywood Bast***s don't want you to have a DVR and why they put the squeeze on Charlie. It's also why we have to keep archiving this stuff. I got all six Star Wars in HD for $25 (two moths of HBO). Can you imagine what that box set will cost when it's released on HD-DVD? Of course they want you to keep forking over the dough each time.

In fairness to the Studios, the PQ has the potential of being dramatically better on Blu-ray ( Fox is Blu-ray exclusive).

The same is true for titles from other studios on HBO whether it is on HD-DVD or Blu-ray.

No, I believe Scott has posted that it WILL record directly to external storage, at your choice.

I don't think that is right. I think it has been shown as an archive device only (ie not record direct to the external HDD).
By the time they roll this out they better support 1TB drives. Fry's has a 500GB external USB for $120 today. Im sure the 1TB drives wont be far behind.
If that were entirely true (I'm sure that it is, to a degree), it'd put business like Netflix in quite a bind. If memory serves, didn't Disney try the self-destructing discs? The movies cost only a few bucks. Once opened, you had something like 24 or 48 hours to watch it before they turned black and became coasters or frisbees.

They were a complete flop as I recall. People like being able to watch the movies they buy when they want, as often as they want.
I don't think that is right. I think it has been shown as an archive device only (ie not record direct to the external HDD).

See post #64. I believe there is something more definitive, but can't find it.

Scott- could you clear this up for us?

- - -

The "self destructing" discs were divx (Circuit City pushed them big time). Yes, it failed, thankfully.
Thank you.

Have negotiations begun with Prize Goddess as to the size and number of external storage units you'll buy? Maybe two apiece? ;)
And let's not forget where out beloved Divx Codec got it's name from, the ill fated Circuit City, view it once in 24 hour DVD. That died in about six months.
I wonder if we will be allowed to use as many different external hard drives as we want with them. I may want to archive some content onto an external hard drive (I already started doing this a few years back instead of doing it on cd/dvd using a wintv box) or back up some of the content on the hard drive in case something fails. I could have used this for a customer last year when the box started freezing and crapping out. How long will it take to transfer the content from the internal hard drive to the external one? I have two external hard drives that I could make good use of.
Hopefully we'll hear more about USB storage by/at NAB in April. Hope that whatever issues w/ the 1TB drives is resolved by then (which I thought was odd, as it looked like one of their earlier demo drives was a 1TB Maxtor, but oh well).

NAB'd be a good platform to make other announcements, too (Real HD expansion to beat the vapor promises of DirecTV, etc.). Here's hoping.
And at the next show, they show us the same feature, ready to be released...then don't release it!

I know, I'm getting kind of tired of this routine. Still, I try to keep the fire of hope in my heart. I need something to get me through the drag of long Chicago winters...
Scott, are you sure about this???? The last Tech Chat directly stated that you could Playback from the External Drive AND copy programs TO the External drive.

I think Scott is correct based on the video he showed from CES.... at least that is what I remember from that video.

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