Where is USB External Storage for the 942/ViP622?

My HDD farm is ready!

And just how much in government subsidies are the rest of us paying you with our tax dollars so you could by that eh? I can see it now... people standing on capital hill declaring that they are 'entitled' to multiple massive hard drives. :D
The 320gb drive in the 622 is partially used by VOD and various system files.

So, a 500gb external drive - which is entirely used for recordings - would probably hold roughly twice as much as the 622.
1G will hold about 12 minutes of HD, do you mean 1T? It has been said that it will support up to 750GB.

The Vip622 uses approx 200GB of the 320 for recordings. A 500GB drive would give you about 2.5 times the storage (maybe).
Didn't they say early summer and small fee last chat? As I've continued to post, this isn't going to happen in 2007 and probably not at all on the 622.

Not if you watched last night.

Two things came out of it, its coming late summer(maybe) and will require a ONE TIME fee.

I took it as one time fee for everyone. Scott might can clear this up.
I can get way more than 40 of MPEG4 on my 622. It can record around 30 hours of MPEG2 HD. My MPEG4 recordings use up a bit less than half as much space as the MPEG2. I haven't cleaned my HD and recorded only MPEG4, but I bet I could get 60-70 hours on it, and would not be surprised to get 75.

For example when I recorded "The Da Vinci Code" the other day, the 2 hr 34 min movie consumed about 1 hr of space according to my 622.

I've been told that we have less than 250GB of available personal storage on the 622, but I have no rock solid information.
Before we get ahead of ourselves...

...just a quick review of history!:o

It was reported in the November 2005 Tech Chat that E* was beta testing external hard drive solutions for the 942. Well, here it is almost a year later and I was just wondering when hell may actually freeze over and E* start supporting USB 2.0 hard drives, as promised? I believe this was also mentioned by Charlie is his December 2005 Charlie Chat.

I don't think we're asking for miracles here...it's just a DVR using USB storage. Cable has been supporting external storage devices for quite sometime. This is just plain sad that E* can't support industry standard technology almost two years after the fact.:(

I get the feeling USB storage has been shelved due to it not being a source of revenue.

Didn't they say early summer and small fee last chat? As I've continued to post, this isn't going to happen in 2007 and probably not at all on the 622.

I agree on the first point; I'll believe it when I see it.....

Tech Chat Recap 08/14/06[PIE]"We are working on the external HDD, will be out this fall, we uncovered a bug in the OS that set us back."[/PIE]

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