After two hours on the phone with tech support, an exec rep, and an advanced tech rep (all very nice and helpful), I ended up in exactly the same boat as you.
I asked if a hit might bring up the 129 spot channels and it seemed worth a try. Low and behold, up come the 30 HD channels at 129

and away goes
all the 110 stuff (including what showed up earlier today)

except for HBO and SHO.
A new code released today could be the culprit. If engineering can get some more of this kind of info to help them sort it out, it could save endless hours on the phone for us and the dish techies looking in the wrong place, running endless series of check switches, re-starts, etc.
Is anyone else getting the new 110 stuff, but not 129? Ask for a hit and if you gain 129 and lose 110 as AKGolf and I did, please ask them to forward that experience to engineering.
They were very interested to hear that someone in Alaska and someone in Hawaii had the same thing happen.