Dish TV wants/needs to compete. Look at it from the standpoint of the average family looking into getting a HDTV and an HD satellite service. They hear the sales pitch. DirecTV has all these channels that they are familiar in HD; SciFi HD, Science Channel HD, MGM HD, History HD, Disney HD, etc.... many of which were not available on Dish Network. On the other hand you have Dish with a handful of channels the average family recognizes available in HD, and 15 channels of something they have never heard of called Voom. "What in the world is Voom? I think we better stick with DirecTV because they have channels we are familiar with."
In the early days of HD and content providers, Dish lead the way with 15 channels of the defunct Voom. It was a selling point. There wasn't much else and they had 15 channels nobody else had. But as real cable channels (the ones people across the country are familiar with) came online, it made Voom obsolete. Who needs a suite of channels most people have never heard of? When the average family saw DirecTV being the true leader in HD, they bought their HDTVs and signed on with DirecTV. Dish sat back over the last 9 or 10 months and watched their subscriber base dip and their new subscriber rate fall. What could they do? It was time to clean house. Their goal is to be more in line with what the average family wants. Even if you watch one series on USA that is HD, it is worth having. As the years go by, all the new stuff will be shot in HD and the amount of HD on these channels will rise. Voom was HD for the sake of HD. Would you rather watch a pretty boring HD picture on Voom or a quality series that wasn't shot in HD on another station? I'd rather watch the quality series. More HD is on its way. This is kind of a conversion time right now, as all the channels go HD, with or without the HD programming to have a full time schedule.
Again, I really loved Monsters HD at one time. But Monsters and the rest of the gang are now obsolete. Time to clean house and move forward. I hate Charlie and dislike Dish, but they really made the right choice, the only choice, when they dumped Voom.