that's why i signed up with D jimbo. for their programming and ST. I made that comment because the new 722S that E will produce for 09 is an incredible piece of technology. Lots of members on this forum complain about the HR series. If you've noticed i don't complain that much at all the HR series. In fact i've stated that the HR has a few more features than the vip series for E. I'm very happy with D but E's dvr is still better. I rather have D's programming no doubt jim. To me the HR series comes second to the vip series and not any lower than 2nd. I said D needs to get in gear because with that new 722S due to come out it would be a good idea that D improves their dvr's with a new line of more powerful dvr's. some people are waiting for D to come out with a great dvr to later drop dish. I'm waiting on this tivo D dvr and if it's as solid or better than my vip 622 i will be dropping dish quick and make directv my only provider

as to your comment that people go to service for their programming and not the dvr,well that's how you feel and i respect that but that's not how everyone sees it. I didn't see it that way for a long time until i just made the decision to go for D and i'm really happy i did. I love D's programming, service and the dvr ain't bad

Now I realize that programming is more important than having the best dvr. what good does it do having the best equipment if you can't watch what you want? that's the way i see it now but i didn't always see it that way so i was always hesitating to sing up with D