what were you expecting? Posts every minute?
This isnt the board where every 5 minutes there is a "my channels are down. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I loaded the newest "bin" yet I cant watch my porn on D!$h or B3V. Help!!
Right now we're kinda in that time of year where the folks in the Northern climates are preparing on projects since we've had tons of snow. The folks in the South know this is the best time of the year to work on projects...when summer comes the only good time to work on it would be in the middle of the night because its too damn hot. Heck tonight in Minneapolis we're suppose to have snow
Winter folks dont do any projects...they dream about them. Tech posts drop...fun posts pick up
Spring folks try and get stuff done so they're outside.
Summer its usually too warm to do projects so you prepare for fall
Fall lots of folks do stuff
We're a heckuva lot busier than other boards and their FTA area