You can look at the same events from a different angle...
Having lost the DVD war to Toshiba, Sony started developing the BD standard before the turn of the century. In 2003 they released their new BD player in Japan.
Where Sony was really inventive, is when they decided to "buy" studios' exclusivity (nothing like this was done in the DVD times). And this way they attempted to stall all DVD Forum activities (while not offering the BD format for approval!!!) to develop a hidef DVD format. What is hardly ever mentioned, Toshiba was chairing the DVD Forum at that time and the stalling technics of Sony & Co. failed.
Studios were not behaving like a herd of sheep, either. Under pressure, Sony had to make some concessions: forget about MPEG-2 only and embrace new codecs (they would love to have VC-1 non-existent), accept new audio codecs, consider interactivity, etc. But between two evils - Sony and Microsoft - studios stuck with Sony.
This is all history now. One day it will be written in more details.
But there were no angels in this war: every single player would cut the throat of the other for a buck without hesitation. Sony just out-marketted HD...
And the jury is still out whether this victory isn't pyrrhic for the BD gang.