Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

Well apparently I forgot to take the new Wolfenstein out of my Gamefly Queue because I just received notice that it shipped out. I was hoping to have Destiny next week but it looks like that'll be put on the backburner indefinitely. I could have SWORN I took that out of the queue so that this wouldn't happen, but whatever. I suppose I could get around this by upgrading to 2 games a month, which I was considering anyways because the fall release schedule is so cramped.
Well apparently I forgot to take the new Wolfenstein out of my Gamefly Queue because I just received notice that it shipped out. I was hoping to have Destiny next week but it looks like that'll be put on the backburner indefinitely. I could have SWORN I took that out of the queue so that this wouldn't happen, but whatever. I suppose I could get around this by upgrading to 2 games a month, which I was considering anyways because the fall release schedule is so cramped.

Wolfenstein is awesome!!!
Wolfenstein is awesome!!!
Opinions I trust have said similar things, so I'm not TOO disappointed that I'll be getting that instead of Destiny. Lord knows I haven't played a decent campaign FPS in a while so Wolfenstein should be good in that regard.
So my copy of Wolfenstein for the PS4 arrived today. It seemed to install okay even when my PS4 was vertical, which was a relief. However, I was shocked when I saw that the game had a 5 GIGABYTE update. FIVE GIGABYTES? REALLY? What sort of state was this game in when it was originally released that a 5 GIGABYTE patch was required to bring the game up to usable standards?! Hell, this is bigger than the infamous Aliens: Colonial Marines patch. Now I have to wait at least an hour to play this because I was hoping to play it for a bit before I put my daughter to bed. And this game doesn't even have multiplayer in it!

Sorry I just had to rant a bit there. I really wish game companies would stop using the ability to patch games as an excuse to release essentially unfinished products into the market. At least this isn't as bad as what EA is doing.
Here's some early impressions of Wolfenstein: The New Order..

Honestly most of my impressions and thoughts match with what King said so I'm not going to rehash them here. A few deviations/additions I'd like to make is I'm getting a LITTLE tired of this idea that all Germans and Nazis were all inherently evil. Now before you look at me like I'm a Nazi sympathizer, I'd like to see at least someone ATTEMPT to paint the Nazis as something other than spawn of Satan, and try to give them some sort of depth, as opposed to just bullet cushions. Maybe I haven't seen enough of the game yet (I stopped playing yesterday as I had met the Resistance and was going into London) but it would be nice to see that OTHER side of the Nazis. Don't fall back on that easy crutch of "They're Nazis, so of COURSE they're evil and don't need any justification."

The other complaint I have is that the AI is, well, sort of crap. I'm surprised that in that FIVE GIGABYTE PATCH I downloaded that there wasn't anything to tweak stuff that I'd expect to see in old 3DFX 90s FPS games. There was one part where I was being pursued by some Nazis and I ran behind a corner to get my bearings. I then aimed at the door to pick them off as they came in, but after about 30 seconds nothing had happened. I looked back through the door and saw 4 Nazis running in place in convenient single file for my bullets. Another time there was a big guy with a shotgun coming at me and my AI partner, but my AI partner was apparently frozen in fear because he didn't do anything other than shake a bit while it was up to me to take the guy down myself. There's also been other incidents of characters not moving, Nazis not reacting to a guy getting killed within spitting distance, and other quirks.

Oh yeah... one last thing I noted was that (on the PS4 anyways) the graphics are rather inconsistent. The game doesn't look bad and it runs at a smooth 60 FPS, but at any given time I feel like I see beauty and blah all at the same time. The character models don't really look that good, and textures look REALLY awful when they haven't finished loading.

Still, none of the issues mentioned have made me want to stop playing the game, and in fact I am having quite a bit of fun with it. I am surprised how much stealth is emphasized in this game. Coming from Wolf 3D and RTCW, stealth elements are about the last thing I'd expect from this series, but it is a nice touch, although it wasn't so emphasized that I felt like I was playing a Thief game at anytime.
Here's some early impressions of Wolfenstein: The New Order..

Honestly most of my impressions and thoughts match with what King said so I'm not going to rehash them here. A few deviations/additions I'd like to make is I'm getting a LITTLE tired of this idea that all Germans and Nazis were all inherently evil. Now before you look at me like I'm a Nazi sympathizer, I'd like to see at least someone ATTEMPT to paint the Nazis as something other than spawn of Satan, and try to give them some sort of depth, as opposed to just bullet cushions. Maybe I haven't seen enough of the game yet (I stopped playing yesterday as I had met the Resistance and was going into London) but it would be nice to see that OTHER side of the Nazis. Don't fall back on that easy crutch of "They're Nazis, so of COURSE they're evil and don't need any justification."

The other complaint I have is that the AI is, well, sort of crap. I'm surprised that in that FIVE GIGABYTE PATCH I downloaded that there wasn't anything to tweak stuff that I'd expect to see in old 3DFX 90s FPS games. There was one part where I was being pursued by some Nazis and I ran behind a corner to get my bearings. I then aimed at the door to pick them off as they came in, but after about 30 seconds nothing had happened. I looked back through the door and saw 4 Nazis running in place in convenient single file for my bullets. Another time there was a big guy with a shotgun coming at me and my AI partner, but my AI partner was apparently frozen in fear because he didn't do anything other than shake a bit while it was up to me to take the guy down myself. There's also been other incidents of characters not moving, Nazis not reacting to a guy getting killed within spitting distance, and other quirks.

Oh yeah... one last thing I noted was that (on the PS4 anyways) the graphics are rather inconsistent. The game doesn't look bad and it runs at a smooth 60 FPS, but at any given time I feel like I see beauty and blah all at the same time. The character models don't really look that good, and textures look REALLY awful when they haven't finished loading.

Still, none of the issues mentioned have made me want to stop playing the game, and in fact I am having quite a bit of fun with it. I am surprised how much stealth is emphasized in this game. Coming from Wolf 3D and RTCW, stealth elements are about the last thing I'd expect from this series, but it is a nice touch, although it wasn't so emphasized that I felt like I was playing a Thief game at anytime.

I didn't notice AI glitches exactly like the ones you mentioned but I did see a couple different ones. The most egregious one for me took place just a mission or two past where I think you are. You have to pass through some narrow hallways in a prison with AI "help". I wish the AI would have just stood there shaking like you described. This guy insisted on shooting me in the back while trying to hit the Nazis. Apparently, Machine Games thought it was a good idea to turn on friendly fire because I was actually taking damage from behind even though all enemies were in front of me. I actually died once trying to figure out how someone got behind me in a narrow hallway only to see my teammate shooting me.

Friendly fire is fine for certain online games but I don't want to be the victim of team killing in a single player campaign.

Like you said, I would describe the graphics as inconsistent. Parts of the games were really detailed and beautiful. Seeing nice backdrops with certain things on the ground that basically have no textures kind of takes you out of the moment.

Again, I really liked the game though. As you progress farther, earn upgrades, and find new weapons it gets even more fun. Unfortunately there are also some crazy difficulty spikes coming up. You are a few missions from the part I had the most trouble with in the entire game. Luckily it evens back out after that except for a couple specific sections.
How's it going my fellow gamers? I haven't been on much this summer, been too busy. I finally got back to playing on my PS3 again. Now that it's football season I got back in the mood to play NCAA college football. Anything new and exciting that you guys have played lately?
I'm very annoyed with Gamefly right now.. to the point that I'm writing a formal letter of complaint to them. For some messed up reason I don't have Hyrule Warriors being shipped to me. This, along with them sending games EXTREMELY delayed (it took me 2 months to get a copy of Wolfenstein) or sending me games I didn't even ask for (them sending me Wolfenstein instead of Destiny) and 3 out of the last 5 games being damaged to the point of unplayable in some cases is really making me consider just cancelling my subscription.

/First World Problems
I'm very annoyed with Gamefly right now.. to the point that I'm writing a formal letter of complaint to them. For some messed up reason I don't have Hyrule Warriors being shipped to me. This, along with them sending games EXTREMELY delayed (it took me 2 months to get a copy of Wolfenstein) or sending me games I didn't even ask for (them sending me Wolfenstein instead of Destiny) and 3 out of the last 5 games being damaged to the point of unplayable in some cases is really making me consider just cancelling my subscription.

/First World Problems

I've definitely had delays with gamefly. I waited quite a while for GTA V. I will say that I've gotten every single new release I wanted since GTA as long as I had an open slot the day before the game is released though. I've also never received a damaged game.

My situation is actually the opposite of yours. I wasn't happy with gamefly when I was a new subscriber but they have been much better for me lately.
I aired my grievences to Gamefly. They said they'd give me a free month of service. Figured that's about all they could do. It's not like they could make another copy of Hyrule Warriors appear out of thin air. I really do hope this doesn't happen again during this release season.

Now I need to keep plowing through New Order. I'm on Chapter 12 of 16.
Well, I've decided to throw in the towel on Wolfenstein for now. I had a very short window to blow through what appears to be some of the most frustrating parts of the game. And last night, as I was getting ready to play through the exact same scene for about the 10th time, I thought to myself "Do I want to keep not having fun and keep playing this just to beat it in time, or would I rather close this down and watch Game of Thrones with my wife?" (and just for reference, we ended up watching The Wedding episode, and no, not the RED Wedding.) And then I thought, "Well, do I want to keep grinding over the next few days, or just play whatever I want?" And sure enough, Wolfenstein is sitting in my mailbox waiting for the mailman to bring it back to Gamefly.

I will agree with others here that overall, yes, Wolfenstein: The New Order is a good single player FPS, but it has some GLARING issues, at least on the PS4. The running theme I seem to find is "inconsistency."

Let's start with the 400 lb gorilla that made me send back the game in the first place: The Difficulty. For me the most annoying part of the game was incredibly inconsistent difficulty. It's not even that the game would have difficulty spikes, but it also has insane difficulty dips as well. This was especially true in the last third of the game. The one that sticks out to me the most is when I was escaping a base after stealing some launch codes. The whole base was on high alert with alarms blaring everywhere and all that. Now in most games, when you're told "Escape the Base" that basically means "Expect a sh*t load of angry trigger happy troops." So imagine my surprise when I was trying to get out and saw about 80% of the guys on standard patrol in ways that made picking them off with STEALTH incredibly easy. And then in the next mission the difficulty then spiked back up to unfair levels to where I decided to just throw in the towel. A more consistent tone would have been greatly appreciated.

Speaking of tone, let's talk about the story and characters. The writers seemed to think that the story was better than it really was, because I found myself not caring about anything that was going on. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't at Crysis 3 levels of apathy, but I wasn't really moved by the plight of the characters. Maybe this is the result of me just getting sick of the ultra evil Nazis being the bad guys, but I didn't find myself "pulling" for the characters as much as I just wanted to beat the game.

This may also have to do with the game's protagonist, BJ Blazkowicz. Traditionally he's been about as vocal and fleshed out as the space marine in Doom, but in this game they tried to give him a personality, but seemed to have forgotten that in order to make a character like this relatable or sympathetic, you need to shoot a little higher than a hybrid of 1980s action movie stars. Yes, protagonists in games rarely succumb to bouts of realism when it comes to injuries and the like, but you could at least TRY to make us believe this could happen. There are numerous eye rolling incidents, but the one that sticks out in my mind the most is when you get on the Nazi MOON BASE to get nuke launch codes (Yeah, that's real convenient and logical) and BJ cuts off a 4" X 1" part of the skin of his lower arm off. Not only does he hardly make a noise, but he doesn't even bandage it up! So he's just going to walk around bleeding profusely? Aren't the Nazi guards going to suspect something when they see blood trailing everywhere? Is BJ now Superman? (FYI here's the non-spoiler video of the scene for those interested.) BJ's actions are accompanied well by his awful dialog and mind numbing narration. They sound like rejected lines from a Riddick movie. It almost makes you wonder if Vin Diesel wrote them himself.

Finally, the graphics in this game are all over the place. Overall the game isn't what I'd call eye candy, but aside from that the stark contrast in graphics in various parts of the game is, to put it lightly, glaring. I realize this is a 1st gen release on a new console, but this is the PS4. I shouldn't be seeing textures that remind me of Metal Gear Solid while I play. The one prop I will give the game is that it runs at a very nice 60 FPS nearly all the time, and I can't remember any times of slowdown even when things got hectic.

Overall, Wolfenstein: The New Order is a mixed bag where the negative qualities hold it back from becoming truly great, but don't hold it back enough to make the game not fun. I may try and get back to it eventually, but quite frankly I'd rather delve into Hyrule Warriors and Alien: Isolation for the time being. I give it a B-.
I would have a very hard time not finishing a game when I got that close. I think I would have just dropped the difficulty to its lowest setting and plowed through. To each his own.

Edit: I see that Alien Isolation is what you are going for next. IGN has their early review up and gave it a 5.9. I haven't actually read it yet to see what problems he had with the game but it's definitely a disappointing score from what we have seen so far. Hopefully he is just totally off base and other reviewers like it more.


Edit 2: I just watched the IGN video review and the visuals look very impressive. It sounds like the main complaint is that the game is too long. I can see how something designed to be stressful could get pretty grating when it takes 20 hours to beat.
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Yeah I'm not a "let's drop the difficulty" kind of guy. I'm more like "Don't insult me with your pity!" and would keep plowing through. For me though, I'd rather play Hyrule Warriors and Alien than play this for the time being.

The Alien: Isolation reviews are quite mixed. Polygon and Gamestop and IGN gave it less favorable reviews, calling it close but ultimately dissappointing, while The Escapist and Gamefront gave it glowing reviews. Hell Jim Sterling declared it so good that Sega was now forgiven for Colonial Marines. That's quite a bold statement.

Ultimately I still am psyched to try the game, and if nothing else I learned to NOT do what the game suggests and NOT play the game on Hard, as people pointed out the later game's frustrations.

Edit: A lot more reviews are starting to push this more positive than negative. Kotaku and Verge seemed to really like it. This gif here has me psyched to play this on my big screen with headphones on..

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I know it's long overdue but I finally finished Arkham City. I played about halfway through on PS3 and then built my PC and got distracted. I don't know why it took me so long to get back into it because I loved Arkham Asylum and I liked where AC was going.

Anyways, I won't go into too much detail because I'm probably the last person here to play the game. I will say that I really liked it and my excitement level for Arkham Knight went up quite a bit as I played through the game. I also wanted to say that for a 2012 game it looked pretty great on PC. There are a couple weak spots here and there but I would say that it holds up pretty well graphically against most PS4/Xbox One games.
I beat the story mode in Injustice: Gods Among Us in one sitting last night. I did this partly because I was having a lot of fun with the game and partly because it was part of Steam's Free Weekend promotion. I'll be out of town Friday through Sunday so I had to play the entire game last night or buy it to finish the second half. The story mode is only 5 hours long so buying it just to play the last 2 hours didn't seem like a great deal. I'm not a big fighting game fan and I have no interest in getting my ass kicked by strangers online so the story mode was really the only thing of value to me. Fortunately the story was pretty cool if you like the DC characters.

I won't go into too much more detail because yourbeliefs already did that here.

I will say one thing about the characters. Batman, Wonderwoman, and Superman are characters I thought would be a lot of fun but they were probably my least favorite to actually play as in that order. For whatever reason, my fighting style just didn't match up with those characters. I had a harder time pulling off combos and making them do cool stuff. I had a lot of fun with pretty much every other character in the game.

Some of my favorite/most effective characters were Green Arrow, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and Cyborg. Yes, I said it. Aquaman is definitively better than Batman, Wonderwoman, and Superman.
The injustice comics are fantastic also.

I'd like to read them but I just hate the way comic books are sold. I just want to buy one book that has the entire story. I prefer it to be on my iPad if possible so I don't just collect more clutter. With The Walking Dead, for example, you can buy it in issues, volumes, or compendiums. I was given compendium 1 as a gift and this includes volumes 1-8. The only place I can find compendium 2 in digital form is the iBooks store and they want $40 for it. That seems like too much money to me but the Volumes separately are $15 a piece so it's technically a good deal I guess. If I decided to buy it by the volume it would cost me $120.

I have a problem spending $15 per volume on these things when they take 30-45 minutes to read and they are such a small portion of the whole story. I'm a pretty avid reader and I know I can get 1 to 2 actual novels on the kindle store for that same $15 that will give me the complete story. This is what keeps me from really getting into comics even though I have liked some of the ones I've read.
Here's the entire first volume of Injustice: Amazon product ASIN B00ET886Q4. Year Two just came out: Amazon product ASIN B00KRKISY8
Year three just began, looks like a year focused on the occult with Constantine and Dr. Fate highlighted so far.

Edit: looks like the forum is trying to do something fancy with Amazon links and failing.$11-$12 for the hardcover editions of each year though, they're a good value if interested.

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