When will VOOM's DVR finally hit the streets?

Considering that people don't go with Voom due to the lack of the PVR or leave Voom for the same reason, I'd like to think that it'll be released as soon as they've got it working.

Can't help but wonder if its release is somehow held up due to the whole MPEG4 thing. If its MPEG 4 based, then they may be holding it till they're transmitting in MPEG 4.

Any thoughts??
JimP said:
Considering that people don't go with Voom due to the lack of the PVR or leave Voom for the same reason, I'd like to think that it'll be released as soon as they've got it working.

Can't help but wonder if its release is somehow held up due to the whole MPEG4 thing. If its MPEG 4 based, then they may be holding it till they're transmitting in MPEG 4.

Any thoughts??
Well, if they're waiting for MPEG-4 then it looks as though the DVR won't be available until 4th Quarter '05...at the soonest.

DVR and a Cornucopia of Unresolved Issues:

Going into 2005...

1. Where is the Super-DMA Map? (late!) :confused:
2. Where are the Elliptical Dishes for new SD/HD channels? (late!) :confused:
3. MPEG-4 has been delayed 1 year or more.
4. What happened to the December 1st 'Current Customer Promotion' being touted by multiple CSRs? CSRs are creative personages, but they don't generally mass hallucinate nor do they conspire to dupe VOOM valued customers :confused:
5. Why are we being promised 70 HD channels and more SD channels in March and hearing so little---ok, nothing!---about the DVR? Personally, I would prefer they get rid of the Mosquito/Gnat Noise and release the DVR prior to adding more channels. Seems to me that VOOM would be screaming their DVR is coming IF it were, in fact, somewhat ready for prime time.
6. Has anyone actually seen a working beta/prototype of this infamous Motorola HD DVR? Really! Assuming the DVR were to be available in April, there would surely to be near-ready for production units and beta testers out there. Are you out there? :confused:

Any thoughts?
what the Voom rep told me...
"We are actively working on and testing our HD-DVR, and we expect to release it in the first half of 2005. However, its exact release date and pricing have not been set at this time. The VOOM HD-DVR also has multiple tuners, allowing you to record a program while watching a live program or one that you've previously recorded!"

so that narrows it down to a friggin 6 month window :mad:

then he tells me I can go get a Tivo or D-VHS if I want. that makes me even less sure about the first statement because if they are going to have a product in the next few months, why would they encourage you to go buy someone else's?
Welcome to the forum, ohiosky!

CSR's ususlly have no idea about release dates. In fact, in many cases they are the last to know. This is done intentionally, to prevent spreading rumors, I think.

As for third-party TiVo or D-VHS - you can only record SD signals from VOOM. To record satellite channels in HD you would need FireWire interface, which VOOM STB doesn't offer.
I thought for a minute that this was a new poll. I guess at least 38% of respondents have more faith in VOOM than they should.
I cant see what the delay is...there are HD DVR's out on the market already. Voom should have one already. These delays make me think that the DVR will never come. And according to the results of this poll...alot of people here think the same.
Maybe I'll ask Wilt now. Hey Wilt can you chime in and give us an idea about when this DVR might be offered and for how much. I've not bothered to post about my Voom service because I've been happy with it without many problems but I still am not happy about no DVR that always seemed to be pushed back.

So Wilt if you read this give us some kind of hint...Mkay.
Ilya said:
Welcome to the forum, ohiosky!

CSR's ususlly have no idea about release dates. In fact, in many cases they are the last to know. This is done intentionally, to prevent spreading rumors, I think.

As for third-party TiVo or D-VHS - you can only record SD signals from VOOM. To record satellite channels in HD you would need FireWire interface, which VOOM STB doesn't offer.

It is true with TiVo or D-VHS, you can only record SD from VOOM. JVC did make a W-VHS VCR that was capable of recording analog 1080i using component video. That is the only way I am aware of so far to record VOOM HDTV. I have a W-VHS VCR and when it was the only way I had to record HDTV, I used it and was very happy with it. The media costs are very high. I have an HD TiVo and D-VHS VCR to record HDTV from DirecTV now and rarely use W-VHS but it is still the only way I have to record HDTV from component video.

DVR from Voom's rivals costs $$$

Called Direct TV, seem to be the worst deal out each box cost $ 300. and your added TIVO HD recorder box list cost $ 1000. only a few HD stations
and you pay for everything Direct TV has contract, you buy your own receivers :no

Dish Network gives you a free HD sat receiver and if you want a box to record DVR the box costs about $ 600.00 with 250 gig HD you buy it you own it.

Dish has the full package for about $ 100. bucks a month but you pay $ 100 per home service call or $ 30 per visit with a monthly service contract but they air ship a replacement box to you if yours brake Which Voom should do. Dish Network has no contract Dish requires two receiver dishes on roof to receive all of your channels Dish gives you all local channels in digital formatt and HD as sent by the station :(

Voom seems to be a better deal $$$ for the money I'm not sure what Voom will charge for their HD DVR

Comcast has free install and free loaner sat boxes and free maintence and no contract but costs over $ 130 month for full HD package with not very many hd channels all local channels are in standard cable definition only even ones that origionally transit in HD. :mad:

If Voom adds some HD channels and gives me a Eliptical dish I'll rent or buy the HD DVR as long as it not more than the others
I be a happy camper ;) :clap

Voomster :rainbow
I dropped Voom a few days ago so I could get time warner cable's hd-dvr. Now I get to record CSI-Miami _AND_ Medium on Monday, Alias _AND_ West Wing on Wednesday and on Friday I get to record Jag _AND_ Third Watch .. all in 1080i HD.

TWC HD-DVR: $12.95/mo
Ability to record two 1080i HD programs that I want to watch: Priceless!!

Unfortunately twc's SD channels are just horrible. So .. when Voom releases their whole house dvr solution, I'll be switching back to Voom, no matter the cost.
Vooms PVR will be able to record 4 streams at once.... that trumps any cable dvr out so far... my local cable co (cox) has just released their dvr and its a damn nice solution (one of the new motorola boxes) and its a dual tuner but no whole house features (this alone will make the voom dvr worth the wait)

It does seem like a lot of compromise with a target that keeps moving.

My cable service, Brighthouse, only recently(July?) went to HD with a few channels and as in your case, their SD isn't very good when compared to Voom's. Nor do they have a DVR.

So, I'll be staying put until the target moves again.

Happy Viewing
jagouar said:
Vooms PVR will be able to record 4 streams at once.... that trumps any cable dvr out so far... my local cable co (cox) has just released their dvr and its a damn nice solution (one of the new motorola boxes) and its a dual tuner but no whole house features (this alone will make the voom dvr worth the wait)

This is RUMOR not fact. VOOM's DVR is not yet available, does not have a release date set, and no definite list of features or specifications been released by VOOM.

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