I don't see anything wrong with this. This is a good thing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with working at McDonalds or the like and nothing to be ashamed of. It's a job, you're doing something productive and earning a living and not leaching off the government. And many people will take this as an opportunity to move up. Start off serving burger, get promoted to store manager, regional manager, move up to corporate or take the skills and achievements you've acquired at McDonalds and move elseware. A relative of mine worked in the local UPS warehouse to put him through college making minimum wage, became a driver, went into lower management and now he's in upper management on a regional level making well over $100K a year. A good friend of my uncles worked at Burger King in high school, never went to college, became store manager, got promoted to oversee a cluster of 8 or 10 stores and now is in middle management for the Northeast and is looking to improve herself.
All I hear from the unemployed is how there are 'no jobs'. That is total BS! I'm out and about all day long, I can name at least thirty places a week that I drive right by (or that are customers of mine) that are hiring and have been for some time. Sure these aren't the greatest jobs, McDonalds, Tim Horton's, hell even the Goodwill. You're not going to make a ton of money and it may not be the best job, but $7/hour is better then $0/hour. If the pay wasn't minimum wage, I'd seriously consider quitting my current job and become an overnight stockboy at Wegman's Supermarkets and work my way up.