WHen the analog video will be banned from the satellite?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 23, 2005
Albuquerque, NM, USA
Just wondering when if FCC should ever ban the FM analog video on satellite in order to free up the bandwith space?:)

Think is a good ideas or not?:up

For me I think is a good idea and that's mean more channel to TV DX to chase with!!:hungry:

Comments please.....:D
Bad idea for the FCC to demand it.
(similar bad intentions by the government haven't stopped the conversion from analog to digital broadcast TV, without compensating broadcasters or viewers that have to pay for what amounts to another "unfunded mandate".)

If one looks at the total number of analog satellite signals left,
the marketplace will take care of the problem. Most channels have already converted to, and/or are simulcasting in digital. When you can get 10 digital channels or more into the space of one analog, economics for the uplinker make the decision. The FCC should not be "demanding" anything....as this "problem", if there is one, will fix itself naturally in due course. There is presently a surplus of satellite spectrum not being used, even with many dozens of analog channels still up there. The marketplace will sort it out as it always does!
Years ago when some of the channel space (i.e. bandwith) went up for auction there was one guy in there screaming and yelling...it took awhile to understand years later why. Basically the only ones that would be up for bidding would be the major networks and in effect you'd know they'd win.

I think the airwaves generally should be free of most regulations. Not to cause a flame war or anything but there's been cases of two different tv/radio personalities that said roughly some of the same things but one had to go to another network and the other is on daytime tv! (pm me for names)

I think that going digital for some tv is good as you'd get more stations and get a better picture but I think it makes independent tv and low powered tv harder and more expensive to maintain. Growing up there was a few independent stations here and there but ultimatly UPN and WB bought them out.

I know this is a growing rant but I think when ownership is consolidated that no one really wins. Case in point with sports games have shifted to pay cable/satellite...only 8 games for the rest of the year for baseball are OTA meanwhile football is all FTA, basketball all pay stations, even soccer is all pay
mikekohl said:
Bad idea for the FCC to demand it.
(similar bad intentions by the government haven't stopped the conversion from analog to digital broadcast TV, without compensating broadcasters or viewers that have to pay for what amounts to another "unfunded mandate".)

If one looks at the total number of analog satellite signals left,
the marketplace will take care of the problem. Most channels have already converted to, and/or are simulcasting in digital. When you can get 10 digital channels or more into the space of one analog, economics for the uplinker make the decision. The FCC should not be "demanding" anything....as this "problem", if there is one, will fix itself naturally in due course. There is presently a surplus of satellite spectrum not being used, even with many dozens of analog channels still up there. The marketplace will sort it out as it always does!

What are you referring to when you say Analogue Satellites? That is a misleading statement....All Satellites are Analogue that translate in FM...I have yet to hear of a Bird fitted with DSP's....:confused: :confused:
I tend to agree that it's not the government's place in this case to mandate the end of analog video. Everything will move to digital in due course anyway, because it is cheaper for SDTV quality video, and can provide higher resolution HDTV quality as well.
Please reply by conversation.

Best satellites for my area....

MHZ on IA 5

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