I think Upnorth's post was worth another look. And by the way Guffy, what good did your response do? You must like hearing yourself type.
robbiee19 said:BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I do have a 61" DLP Samsung that has been ISF Cal and with some of the best cable to use and guess what my DIRECTV HD LOOKS AS GOOD AS OTA! May be a hard concept to grasp for some people who post on this site that others on here know just as much as they do!
FlyingJ said:I think Upnorth's post was worth another look. And by the way Guffy, what good did your response do? You must like hearing yourself type.
charper1 said:Not a great analogy.
What if it was a bad quality tenderloin and/or was over cooked compared to a perfectly prepared chuck.
What if it was a bad quality tenderloin and/or was over cooked compared to a perfectly prepared chuck.
What if the tenderloin was served with terrible customer service by the wait staff or every now and again the plate was dropped and the tenderloin didn't arrive on time or at all? (i.e. hardware crash/buggy boxes)
Anyway, can't you guys just agree to disagree and move on with your lives?
charper1 said:Thus pointing out exactly why its a bad analogy. R = rebuttal.
Q- What if it was a bad quality tenderloin and/or was over cooked compared to a perfectly prepared chuck?
A- The tenderloin would still be way better.
R- So one would still claim the tenderloin as better even though ruined only because of the name of the cut, not because of the real taste? A great cut of meat is easily ruined. Anyone that knows cuts of beef knows this.
Q- What if the tenderloin was boringly alone with no expected or wanted sides to complete the entire plate versus the price paid?
A- The tenderloin would still be way better.
R- See above again; one would overpay, and ignore all the other combined elements that make the entire package/experience just to say but I got the "name brand/cut here"?
Q- What if the tenderloin was served with terrible customer service by the wait staff or every now and again the plate was dropped and the tenderloin didn't arrive on time or at all?
A- Seriously reconsider ones choice of dining establishments.
R- Exactly, and we have. Many, many users have had more than enough of those experiences with Dish and cable to switch to DirecTV, and vice- versa. So all this childish back and forth is silly.
So lets all walk away and end the madness!
guffy1 said:Nice copy and paste post Upnorth..You posted the exact same thing just 2 days ago in another thread..
Well, at least you got a single response this time
FlyingJ said:Charper, great analogy! Guff, your opinions are starting to hold less weight. I like the way you exclaimed the new HD DVR champion over Blu-Ray and then of course later on you mentioned the fact that you have never seen the Blu-Ray firsthand, but the guys over in the AVS forums said so. Enjoy your 5 HD providers.
upnorth said:guffy1
I just want to make sure my opinion is heard just like you have in many of your posts.
You can post your opinion all you want guff after all that's what this forum is all about and debate is good.
But I do object to all your rude, snide remarks and name calling
guffy1 said:I only only have 3 broadcast HD providers (very soon to be 2), and yes I will enjoy them
Have a nice trolly day
guffy1 said:Your objection is noted..But you should really whine to someone that cares, because I dont take well to snivelling from a *supposed* grown man
Iceberg said:then why do you post if it doesnt pertain to you?
FlyingJ said:5 to just 3 and now 2, in only a matter of a week, good! I hope that you axed D* so we do't have to hear your pathetic input anymore.
guffy1 said:I have D*, E*, and Charter
Happy trolling