Well, I can tell you this. The hell with rain fade! I had Voom installed in June & have had rain fade about 6 or 7 times. Each time it lasted only 10 or so minutes. I improved my signal by 3% by reaiming the dish and that cut it down a great deal. Now the reason I say to hell with rain fade is we had our first snow storm here in Denver on Halloween night. My god! From the time it started snowing at 6:30 all the way until the snow stoped at 1:30 a.m. I had about 35% signal stength on average to 2% at the heaviest snow.(And yes the dish was clear of snow) I HAVE TO HAVE A NEW DISH OR VOOM Is GONE!!!!!!!! Not once did I ever loose E* during a snow storm as long as the dish was clear of snow.