What's Your Package?

I have the 180 value pak, hd pak, and supers. Will probably add the sports pak once college football starts up. If they would get Starz-HD and TMC-HD I would go to the Everything pak.
I suscribe to top 180,locals,starz and very soon(waiting on recievers to be delivered on thursday) hd pak.
Top 180/HBO/Cinemax, HD-Pak, Portland Locals, NY Distants, Super Stations, LA Fox (49ers Games).

I said everything pack even though I do not have it... I sub to AT180 and all the movie packages via annual prepaid. Although I will probably switch to AEP when I renew since it will cover the PVR fees.
AT120 w/locals, HBO, WPIX, CBS-HD.

I had the Value Pack, but switched to HBO only, as Cinemax isn't worth the extra $3.

I also had HD Pack. It just ain't worth the $10 for now. Maybe someday, if they add more content and fix the 811, I'll add it back.
Here's a fun one..........

AEP, Superstations, HD Pak, MultiSports, TV5, Radio France, Playboy, Extacy, New York Locals, FOX-W, NBC-W, Fox Denver, NBC Denver, and CBS HD....... PLUS I've got 4 receivers active (921,510, and 2 Dishplayers)
Account #1 - AEP w/locals,superstations, NY & LA distants & HD pak.
Account #2 - AEP, superstations

RV Waiver Question

921: 2 vs. 1 coax input!
