I'm not much of an antenna builder, but I found plans on the web for a simple ground plane, think that's what it's called, last year so I got the stuff together and built one. It was amazing! It looks like the 20dollar job from radioshack (which went up by about 7bucks this spring). Only has some copper wire and pvc, and an SO239 connector to it. I experimented with a couple more , and put them in different locations. Now I have 3 of the things stuck up in the air, one's on top of the house, lol and they work so well I don't want to take them down. Due to all the big cedar trees close by, that I can't cut, various directions are blocked for one or the other, so I just switch them out every few days to see what I get a stronger signal on. I listen to the aircraft a lot, and I've really gotten my money's worth on this little experiment. I'll try to post a picture of one of them soon,