Whats up with my Birdog?

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New Member
Original poster
Dec 1, 2004
Hi guys, I just found this site and man what a great source of info it is to someone like me who is just getting started in the trade :) . I hade a tech ?
about the Birdog meter that maybe someone could answer for me. Why is it that when setting up a DTV trip sat I can't get the 110 sat to show up on the Birdog? I can nail the 101 and 119 but the 110 wont show up as found on the meter, I can tweak the Elev. on the dish and hit the 110 but of course now I'm way out of line for the 101 or 119. I'm still in training and they told me not to worry about it they say if I have the 101 and 119 just hook it up and the 110 will be there, we did and it was, but why won't my $460.00 meter show it? Someone said it is because of the way birdog.tv has all 3 DTV sats setup as one file??
Hello from Vermont, I've used the Birdog for over 16 months now, Do you know what Version you have ? ie software Where was the B-Dog ordered From ie Perfect Vision, There are or were two Different Files to Download to the Meter for the Triple lnb...I'll have to check the web site when I get into Work, we now have 3 Meters on the Go, I believe there are 3 versions from Perfect Vision.

Andy B Jost Electronics
Hiya Andy,

Thanks for responding, my meter is a Perfect Vision running software ver. 2.50. Your right about the files @ birdog.tv they have the 101 and 119 as one file then the 110 and 72.5 as separate files and thats where I got them.
MCStone said:
Why is it that when setting up a DTV trip sat I can't get the 110 sat to show up on the Birdog?

Just a guess, but since 110 "piggy backs" on the +18V side of the 119 LNB, it probably appears to the meter as just the 119 LNB. It can't differentiate between the two for whatever single transponder is programmed into the BirdDog for 119. You would need a way to switch to the transponder on 119 (I think it's 8, 10 & 12) to see the 110 levels.
Thanks CablerMN,
Even before I posted my question I read all your posts, and somehow I knew it would be you who had an answer for me :)

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

What your trainers told you about not worrying about the 110 bird when aligning PhaseIII dishes is mostly correct. Unless you have a big ole tree where 110 should be! The dish is designed so that when 101 is peaked the 119 and 110 birds fall into place if the skew is set correctly.

Kudos to your trainers for starting you off with a decent meter too. Not only can you achieve a high signal level reading but also peaking the data error rate which will further reduce rain fade and other anomalies then that of just signal level meters.

I am trying to get a lock on the Intelsat 802 using a Birdog USB Plus V4 unfortunately I dont have the satellite listed and I cant seem to fit the parameters into the custom carrier menu. Does any one know how or where I can get the parameter definition for this satellite?
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Upgrade My LNB to Slim Line 5

'Moved' and can't get new locals

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