What's up with closing the VOOM threads?

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Gang. I am compelled to agree with Rey_1178. All that happens in a Voom thread can be easily summed up in the 59 posts in this thread:

Voomers vent. Anti-Voomers gripe about the venting. Argument ensues.

What's the point anymore?

I miss Voom as much as any Pro-Voomer here, but I've gotten over it and moved on. It's not going to do me (or anyone else) any good to sit here and b*tch and moan that some of my favorite channels are gone. They're not coming back...at least not in anything that looks like the foreseeable future. Charlie made that quite clear, and I trust Scott's info on the subject.

Hemi has a viable and reasonable argument: Voom isn't on anything except Cablevision anymore, so while it's certainly not a violation of some forum rule to discuss issues that aren't precisely related to Dish in the Dish forums, the argument is simply: what's the point? There's a place to discuss it that exists in the Cable TV forum on this site and no one will pitch anyone flak about it there.

I hate to say it, but the time has come to let it go, quit arguing about it and take it the proper area if you want to discuss it. It's not like it's on a completely different site...just another section of this one.

So, how about we all just take a deep breath, relax, stop yelling at each other like a buncha kids and take the discussion to the proper section?
Originally Posted by REY_1178
this thread needs to be closed. yadda, yadda, yadda...

hay i didn't say yadda :D
Gang. I am compelled to agree with Rey_1178. All that happens in a Voom thread can be easily summed up in the 59 posts in this thread:

Voomers vent. Anti-Voomers gripe about the venting. Argument ensues.

What's the point anymore?

I miss Voom as much as any Pro-Voomer here, but I've gotten over it and moved on. It's not going to do me (or anyone else) any good to sit here and b*tch and moan that some of my favorite channels are gone. They're not coming back...at least not in anything that looks like the foreseeable future. Charlie made that quite clear, and I trust Scott's info on the subject.

Hemi has a viable and reasonable argument: Voom isn't on anything except Cablevision anymore, so while it's certainly not a violation of some forum rule to discuss issues that aren't precisely related to Dish in the Dish forums, the argument is simply: what's the point? There's a place to discuss it that exists in the Cable TV forum on this site and no one will pitch anyone flak about it there.

I hate to say it, but the time has come to let it go, quit arguing about it and take it the proper area if you want to discuss it. It's not like it's on a completely different site...just another section of this one.

So, how about we all just take a deep breath, relax, stop yelling at each other like a buncha kids and take the discussion to the proper section?

If you don't like the discussion about VOOM feel free to visit one of the hundreds of other threads. Once the trolls quiet down we'll discuss VOOM here. What's the problem with that?

your totally right but the problem is when i go into these many threads just to find it hijacked by voom b**ching. you and every one else here have the right to obsess over this but it needs to be done in an orderly fashion. open up a voom thread for this and it needs to be moved out of the dish section. the dish forum is about dish and nothing else. i'm done with this specific thread so no arguing with anyone on my behalf.:)
Blame...70% EchoStar and 30% VOOM. This is my expert opinion and, to be completely honest, the only one that matters!;)

Now, posts regarding VOOM programming (i.e. what's on, what's coming up, when can I get it on DirecTV and FiOS, etc.) those certainly belong in the VOOM Programming Forum. However, threads pertaining to the ongoing litigation between E* and V* appropriate belongs in the both the Dish Network and VOOM Programming areas.

I am a VOOM fan, but I gave up on DishHD-Lite back in March...and I hold out little hope (Ok, NO hope!) for VOOM making a return on Dish Network. We should all accept this fact. The battle lines have been drawn, both sides are entrenched, and the troops are in formation and awaiting marching orders. Let the battle begin? Sure! Let E* and V* maim and kill each other in court, but let's strive to remain civil and respectful of other forum members.;)

What we're witnessing is E* and V* Snipers and Rabble Rousers going at it here in the forums...sort of a prelude to war. Having said that, it's getting a little tiring watching the same cast of characters taking pot shots and attempting to stir up emotions. Make no doubt about it, I feel that E* is mostly to blame; I feel their modus operandi was to coerce VOOM into signing a new, more favorable, agreement; and I believe VOOM's complaint that E* illegally terminated the affiliate agreement and should be forced to pay restitution. However, I have also stated that VOOM is not blameless in this matter, and they may just wind up on the short end of the legal stick. We just don't have enough information to make a well-informed judgment either way - none of us! In any case, I have done my best to base my opions on the few artifacts in the public record, the credibility of both parties, and a little common sense. Additionally, while I don't agree with certain members regarding this matter, I have nothing but respect for those who articulate well-formed and thoughful opinions.

Instead of making baseless arguments, blindly pointing fingers, and attacking those who disagree...perhaps these threads wouldn't get so out of hand if people would maintain a little respect for other members opions in this heated matter, try to post opinions based on facts or, at minimum, some linear framework. The "I hate #^@%$, you suck!, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!" posts need to go. Of course, no troll has ever been turned away from SatelliteGuys.:p
I had a VOOM fest last night. Still have 4 recordings from VOOM on my 622, including that great David Gilmore concert off of RAVE. As I was having D* installed today, I decided to enjoy one last go round.

As these were VOOM recordings made off of Dish, I'd say that qualifies as a valid DishHD post.
I had a VOOM fest last night. Still have 4 recordings from VOOM on my 622, including that great David Gilmore concert off of RAVE. As I was having D* installed today, I decided to enjoy one last go round.

As these were VOOM recordings made off of Dish, I'd say that qualifies as a valid DishHD post.
Tom, I just realized that my 3 622s sitting in the storage room may have some Equator shows and Monsters movies. Thanks!:eureka
your totally right but the problem is when i go into these many threads just to find it hijacked by voom b**ching. you and every one else here have the right to obsess over this but it needs to be done in an orderly fashion. open up a voom thread for this and it needs to be moved out of the dish section. the dish forum is about dish and nothing else. i'm done with this specific thread so no arguing with anyone on my behalf.:)
I'm not talking about threads where people go off topic to inject VOOM. I'm talking about threads clearly labeled as containing content about VOOM - like this one. Feel free to complain about off topic posts even if they are VOOM related but VOOM is on topic here.

As I said, if you don't want to discuss VOOM please feel free to go to a different thread. But keep in mind that VOOM may also be on topic in other threads just like Spike HD is on topic in some threads. I'm not asking the mods to close threads you're interested in so please stop insisting that they close the ones I'm interested in.
I had a VOOM fest last night. Still have 4 recordings from VOOM on my 622, including that great David Gilmore concert off of RAVE. As I was having D* installed today, I decided to enjoy one last go round.

As these were VOOM recordings made off of Dish, I'd say that qualifies as a valid DishHD post.

I've got a few shows recorded from Monsters and Gallery but that's about it. I had just set up to record several things when they pulled the plug.
I'm not talking about threads where people go off topic to inject VOOM. I'm talking about threads clearly labeled as containing content about VOOM - like this one. Feel free to complain about off topic posts even if they are VOOM related but VOOM is on topic here.

As I said, if you don't want to discuss VOOM please feel free to go to a different thread. But keep in mind that VOOM may also be on topic in other threads just like Spike HD is on topic in some threads. I'm not asking the mods to close threads you're interested in so please stop insisting that they close the ones I'm interested in.
hay i still luv ya. see ya in another dish thread :love
And MODS, this is why you generally don't try to force closure. It just pops up somewhere less appropriate. I know it is frustrating to watch these fights, but they are going to happen, and this is a case of overmoderation, especially considering some of the flame wars we have let go unchecked. Does some mod perhaps have some personal investment here?

Can't we now open a single VOOM thread in DISH HD and not dicuss this on Ops Center?
VOOM is no longer a Dish Network topic, since they are no longer on Dish Network. Voom is gone and unfortunately its not coming back.

I highly doubt that after this week that VOOM will even exist anymore as we know it. Its time for folks to move on.

I honestly believe that Dish and VOOM both did wrong, Dish did wrong by pulling it with no warning (considering they had a tech chat 2 hours before they were pulled off) yet VOOM pulled the trigger and had themselves removed off of Dish when Dish was trying to work with them.

When the news first broke we discussed what we were going to do and decided that we were going to let folks morn the loss of VOOM for 10 days, and we let it go for longer then that.

Another aggrivating thing we have seen is the folks who miss VOOM go into most of the HD discussions and try turning into Voom gripe fests. Some even call Charlie the Devil and one person even went so far to put a death threat up about Charlie because of the demise of VOOM.

Thats not cool.

I know folks are not happy with some of the things Charlie does, but ultimately he is doing his job as CEO. Hes doing whats best for his shareholders and while we might not always agree with what he does if you step back and take a look you can understand why he did what he did.

I find it amusing that for some of the biggest VOOM gone gripers we have some of them are the same folks a few months ago saying things like when is VOOM going to show new programming and maybe Dish should get rid of voom and give us other HD channels such as Speed HD.

I guess its true, you never know how good something is until its gone.

Someone PMed me the other day about the entire VOOM mess from someone who has been very vocal about the loss of VOOM, I felt sad writing what I wrote but the person who PMed me seemed to understand after reading what I wrote... And what I wrote was as follows

I liked VOOM and I liked Tim Russert. Both are gone now and I miss them both. There is nothing I can do to bring them back.

If folks want to discuss VOOM here I ask that they use one of the General forums, unless of course the message has new information about Dish Network and VOOM (Such as more info on the lawsuit) then that would be appropriate for the Dish Network forum. :)

Thanks for your understanding and support.
I am getting understandings of what peoples feelings are about different situations here at Satelliteguys. I do not understand why things have to be the way they are. Perhaps I have not read enough threads. I am very upset. I apologize for expressing my sentiments.
Actually a large, organized lobby by many E* subs would have a much better chance of reviving VOOM than they would Tim Russert. Meanwhile large scale apathy by E* subs does pretty much doom VOOM.
There are always other choices...like FiOS, D*, U-Verse, Cable or just plain OTA. Unfortunately, the E* versus V* matter is all about money. E* made a bad long-term deal with V*, E* demanded a better deal, V* balked at the demand, E* terminated and contract and decided is in their best interested to litigate this matter since the alternative (dolling out more than a billion dollars to V* over the coming years) is not something they want to do.

Although I am not happy about the VOOM situation, I would still be with E* if they didn't still dole out DishHD-Lite to the masses. Unfortunately, they burned their last bridge so it was time to move to another provider. To be honest, there is not a whole lot of information regarding FiOS or other emerging technologies here at SatGuys so I find myself spending more at DSLReports and other sites. Perhaps it's time to visit voomcommunity.com?

Anyway, there are other providers and there are others sites. Additionally, people can always call Rainbow Media, ask to speak to Greg Moyer (GM VOOM), and ask him to work programming agreements with D*, FiOS, U-Verse, and Cable.
But very few of the proVOOMers actually take actions that might help. Ther eis alot of venting here and talk about a class action lawsuit that many wee convinced would work but no one seems to have followed through on but little real action.

If folsk do write to VOOM---or even R* I can respect that but just endlessly posting here just weakens the cause by making it all seem silly. Calling thisa Large organized lobby is ridiculous. It si justa few people whining on the net. it is not large or organized and does not qaulifyasa lobby.
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I did my part

But very few of the proVOOMers actually take actions that might help. Ther eis alot of venting here and talk about a class action lawsuit that many wee convinced would work but no one seems to have followed through on but little real action.

If folsk do write to VOOM---or even R* I can respect that but just endlessly posting here just weakens the cause by making it all seem silly.

I emailed Charlie to tell him how I felt. I also told him that if I can find VOOM going to another provider I will leave. I consider going to D* but it would cost me 300 to do the same as the 622. FIOS is not a viable option but for a very small minority of the US and unlikely will see it where I live for many years. So until someone else offers VOOM I'm stuck w/ E*. I really miss RAVE, MHD by comparison is sh*t. I told E* that when they sent me the BS email about the other things they carry to replace the VOOM channels.
Actually a large, organized lobby by many E* subs would have a much better chance of reviving VOOM than they would Tim Russert. Meanwhile large scale apathy by E* subs does pretty much doom VOOM.

I doubt it. VOOM does not even want to be back on Dish. That there alone says a lot my friend. :)
VOOM is no longer a Dish Network topic, since they are no longer on Dish Network. Voom is gone and unfortunately its not coming back.

I highly doubt that after this week that VOOM will even exist anymore as we know it. Its time for folks to move on.

I honestly believe that Dish and VOOM both did wrong, Dish did wrong by pulling it with no warning (considering they had a tech chat 2 hours before they were pulled off) yet VOOM pulled the trigger and had themselves removed off of Dish when Dish was trying to work with them.

When the news first broke we discussed what we were going to do and decided that we were going to let folks morn the loss of VOOM for 10 days, and we let it go for longer then that.

Another aggrivating thing we have seen is the folks who miss VOOM go into most of the HD discussions and try turning into Voom gripe fests. Some even call Charlie the Devil and one person even went so far to put a death threat up about Charlie because of the demise of VOOM.

Thats not cool.

I know folks are not happy with some of the things Charlie does, but ultimately he is doing his job as CEO. Hes doing whats best for his shareholders and while we might not always agree with what he does if you step back and take a look you can understand why he did what he did.

I find it amusing that for some of the biggest VOOM gone gripers we have some of them are the same folks a few months ago saying things like when is VOOM going to show new programming and maybe Dish should get rid of voom and give us other HD channels such as Speed HD.

I guess its true, you never know how good something is until its gone.

Someone PMed me the other day about the entire VOOM mess from someone who has been very vocal about the loss of VOOM, I felt sad writing what I wrote but the person who PMed me seemed to understand after reading what I wrote... And what I wrote was as follows

I liked VOOM and I liked Tim Russert. Both are gone now and I miss them both. There is nothing I can do to bring them back.

If folks want to discuss VOOM here I ask that they use one of the General forums, unless of course the message has new information about Dish Network and VOOM (Such as more info on the lawsuit) then that would be appropriate for the Dish Network forum. :)

Thanks for your understanding and support.

that's what some of us have been saying all along. straight from the indian chief.
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