I looked up your TV. In today's HD world, it's a bit of an odd bird, being a 1080i display in a 4:3 aspect ratio.
You may have already done this, but... in the dish receiver setup, there is an menu option for the HD setup, where you can tell it what resolution to output, and what aspect ratio your TV is. Check and make sure it's set to 1080i, 4:3.
To get HD programming to display right on that TV, it's either going to have to be cropped, or letterboxed.
You may have already done this, but... in the dish receiver setup, there is an menu option for the HD setup, where you can tell it what resolution to output, and what aspect ratio your TV is. Check and make sure it's set to 1080i, 4:3.
To get HD programming to display right on that TV, it's either going to have to be cropped, or letterboxed.