Whats the best PS3 game?

I have Ridge Racer 7 and I like it but I also like racing games. Thats the only game I own but I've rented a few. I rented Resistance a couple of times and it's pretty good. I may end up buying it I'm not sure. I also rented Need For Speed Carbon and I liked it a lot but I beat it in the time I had it from renting it. After beating the game it got boring and it didn't take long to beat only a few days. I'd rent that but not buy it. I rented Motorstorm and just never really could get into it. The graphics and everything were good and I normally like games like that but I couldn't get into it. Sonic was another one I rented. It was decent but not as fun as I remember the old Sonic being and I could never really get into it either.
So far the only PS3 game we have is Oblivion.
I'm not into Sports or First Person Shooters, so the choices are limited now.

Thought about getting Sonic, but then I'd never keep my son off the PS3, he's really into Sonic the Hedgehog lately (have a bunch of them for the Wii/Gamecube).

So for now, it's Oblivion for me, and the wife is still playing FFXII.
So I got a ps3 and I rented 2 games to play for it. Resistance and Motorstorm. I love them both but i do have one question. How do you get the ps3 to do surround. When i was playing resistance only the front speakers were working and my surround werent. I was wondering if i have to turn it on or something like that, or if i need to connect another cable. Right now i have the hdmi going to my tv and the tv outputing the sound using an optical cable to go to the receiver. Is this the right way to do it?
I downloaded the Rub-a Dub duck demo game for my 5-year old daughter the other day and she loved it. Surprisingly, so did I....so we purchased the full version from the Playstation Store last night for $6.99. The game is just a lot of fun for the entire family, it makes great use of the motion technology inthe Sixaxis controller, and it's cheap too!