But why would you still want to lease a satellite thats no operational.
It's unknown as to if it's operational or not. At the very least it could be leasing a car that doesn't come with a full tank of gas on delivery and comes with a couple hundred thousand miles on it. At most, it's totaled and comes in on a flatbed.
If it's totaled on a flatbed, hope their insurance covers it. I'm sure the insurance company is one of the players in phone calls at the moment for that reason.
Shouldn't E* be scrambling to get their own Satellite in place instead.
And if they could call Doc Brown and go back 4 years, I'm sure they could get their own sat built. The reality is 4 years (in the case of AMC-14). The question is whether there is anything that they can do that will make something happen this year. Even if they had a sat sitting on the ground ready to go, finding a launch slot to send it up is going to be a pain. They could use one of their other 2 slots this year maybe, but they're still missing a sat to put up there that can operate at 61.5 AND do what they want there.
They're going to have to figure out if there's any solution that is going to result in them having a working satellite for at least the next few years. If this isn't likely in the current situation in any possible way, then they will have to come up with another plan.
That would be like leasing a car,and they deal was for the dealer to deliver the car to your home, But instead crashed it on his way over! What would you do? That car wouldn't even be another thought in my head. IF the Satellite he doesn't own is done for then, F IT. Time for plan B.
Not exactly. Your concept assumes the satellite is damaged. None of us know if it is damaged or not. If they manage to force it into its proper orbit successfully (one way or another), at the very least it's going to come with less than a full tank of gas and a couple hundred thousand miles. Sure, the other (quite possible) reality is that the satellite is damaged (already or in transit) in an irreparable way. Nothing's been said to suggest either way.
I don't envy the situation for the players involved at all. Either way they're in a situation that is more than they bargained for.
The question [ultimately] boils out to which is the least smelly turd sandwich. Those kinds of situations I don't envy in the least when I work with my internals team.
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