Whats for breakfast?

Sausage & Apples for breakfast...!

I was looking for some Civil War era dishes for a recent outdoor event and stumbled into this one. Cooked a trial batch in advance at home and it was great, so I found myself cooking small batches to order outdoors for the event, then back home again for a recent breakfast for two. It's quite delicious! I wonder what others here think about it ?!?

- 1 pound of sausage meat
- butter
- 3 apples
- ½ cup brown sugar
- tablespoon of cinnamon

This old Virginia dish is easy and delicious. Start with about a pound of sausage meat. Form into patties and fry lightly in a pan until just browned. Remove the sausage, pour out the fat (not in the fire) and melt some butter in the pan, enough to barely cover the bottom. Core and slice three apples to a thickness of about 1/4 inch and place in pan setting it over a low heat. When apples have softened slightly add a half cup of brown sugar and a tablespoon of cinnamon. As soon as the sugar has mixed with the butter and formed a thick syrup add back the sausage and cook for another ten minutes or so.
Sausage & Apples for breakfast...!

I was looking for some Civil War era dishes for a recent outdoor event and stumbled into this one. Cooked a trial batch in advance at home and it was great, so I found myself cooking small batches to order outdoors for the event, then back home again for a recent breakfast for two. It's quite delicious! I wonder what others here think about it ?!?

- 1 pound of sausage meat
- butter
- 3 apples
- ½ cup brown sugar
- tablespoon of cinnamon

This old Virginia dish is easy and delicious. Start with about a pound of sausage meat. Form into patties and fry lightly in a pan until just browned. Remove the sausage, pour out the fat (not in the fire) and melt some butter in the pan, enough to barely cover the bottom. Core and slice three apples to a thickness of about 1/4 inch and place in pan setting it over a low heat. When apples have softened slightly add a half cup of brown sugar and a tablespoon of cinnamon. As soon as the sugar has mixed with the butter and formed a thick syrup add back the sausage and cook for another ten minutes or so.
I need to try this...
Bacon & Eggs over easy with Apple Cider.

Sous Vide

Smoking Meat?
