Whatever happened to TechTV and Leo LaPorte and Patrick Norton

I loved Screensavers with Leo and Kate, then Patrick...

You can't forget Kevin Rose (always had some cool underground stuff he was showing)... and his girlfriend Sarah Lane. And as said above...Revision3 is very cool. I usually watch HD Nation and Tekzilla every week on the Roku, and every so often I watch diggnation on there with Kevin Rose.
I don't know if Leo is a member here or not, but I do know he has used the site before. I do know Patrick is a member here but don't know his user ID.
I don't know if Leo is a member here or not, but I do know he has used the site before. I do know Patrick is a member here but don't know his user ID.

That is pretty cool. Even if you knew their user id's I am sure they would want it made private. I am a fan of the stars that used to be on "The Screen Savers" and "Call For Help" because it seemed like they worked well together on the shows. Don't forget Chris Perillo either and the reactions the other co-stars had when he was first host of the show.
I remember the show with Chris where this older man brought in a very rare technology (computer I think) and it broke in his hands. Just the Oh S**t was classic as heck. I know it sucked for the guy but that is something you don't see everyday.

I do wish these shows were still on the air because they were great shows.
With all the Web-attached STBs available now, you'd think a deal could be struck to syndicate these old ZDTV gems through them. Heck, I found old episodes of "WKRP" and "Bob Newhart" are available on the 2nd generation Apple TV (we're watching the WKRP classic "...with God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly..." at Thanksgiving this year).

I don't know that I'd pay 99¢ per episode of TSS, but there should be some of bring back those old favorites!
What was the guys name that took all his consoles and put them into one box?

He did all kinds of computer hacks and stuff like that.
Ramy said:
What was the guys name that took all his consoles and put them into one box?

He did all kinds of computer hacks and stuff like that.

Was that the Ben Heck guy or something like that? I know there is a guy on Revision3 that has his shows on how to build stuff...like his 360 Laptop.
I remember the show with Chris where this older man brought in a very rare technology (computer I think) and it broke in his hands. Just the Oh S**t was classic as heck. I know it sucked for the guy but that is something you don't see everyday.
I remember that episode! The guy brought in wax cylinders that Thomas Edison had recorded on and squeezed it just a little too hard. He was about ready to cry.
With all the Web-attached STBs available now, you'd think a deal could be struck to syndicate these old ZDTV gems through them. Heck, I found old episodes of "WKRP" and "Bob Newhart" are available on the 2nd generation Apple TV (we're watching the WKRP classic "...with God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly..." at Thanksgiving this year).

I don't know that I'd pay 99¢ per episode of TSS, but there should be some of bring back those old favorites!

From what I remember, Leo said that G4 still has all the old tapes of the TechTV days and Dvorak rescued Silicon Spin from the dumpster. The problem is that Comcast still has all the rights to the TechTV material so it's up to them to okay re-broadcasting that stuff.

Yoshi phoned into TWIT a couple weeks ago from on the road. He was on his way to Atlanta where the special effects company he now works for had a job on the next Fast and Furious movie.
The problem with a lot of that content that G4 has is that some of that information is outdated since the episodes were out so long ago and pertain to computers at that time. Some of the information would still be good though. I am surprised that there is not at least one show on television like Leo Laporte was on. Attack of the Show is the closest thing to that from what I see.
With all the Web-attached STBs available now, you'd think a deal could be struck to syndicate these old ZDTV gems through them. Heck, I found old episodes of "WKRP" and "Bob Newhart" are available on the 2nd generation Apple TV (we're watching the WKRP classic "...with God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly..." at Thanksgiving this year).

I don't know that I'd pay 99¢ per episode of TSS, but there should be some of bring back those old favorites!

Given that these shows were always about the latest and greatest tech devices I don't think they are seen as having a lot of rerun potential.
Now this is pretty cool. I was playing with the widgets on my TV and there's a TWIT widget! You can watch all the video podcasts from the various shows on the TWIT Network right on the TV. Picture quality is pretty good too I must say. I pretty much have given up on Leo due to his ass kissing of all things Apple. I tuned into a few and was pleasantly surprised to hear him dis the iPhone.
Did your TV allow you to connect to the Live TWiT feed from CES? That would have been a good reason (for me) to go out and buy a new TV! (not really, but just for curiosity's sake, what brand do you have?) I can watch the TWiT netcasts on my Apple TV, but viewing the live TWiT feed isn't one of the options.
I'm honestly not sure, but I don't believe so. I watched most of the This Week In Tech episode from CES and last weeks Tech Guy. I didn't see anything about live programming, but then again I wasn't looking for it. My TV is the Sony Bravia 55NX810 and I cannot believe how good the quality was. I mean it wasn't blu ray or anything, but definitely better than I would have thought blown up on a 55" screen. I'd say DVD quality. The widget seems to be a little slow to respond, all of my other widgets are pretty snappy, but it's not much of an issue.
Steve Mehs said:
I'm honestly not sure, but I don't believe so. I watched most of the This Week In Tech episode from CES and last weeks Tech Guy. I didn't see anything about live programming, but then again I wasn't looking for it. My TV is the Sony Bravia 55NX810 and I cannot believe how good the quality was. I mean it wasn't blu ray or anything, but definitely better than I would have thought blown up on a 55" screen. I'd say DVD quality. The widget seems to be a little slow to respond, all of my other widgets are pretty snappy, but it's not much of an issue.

Leo had the TWIT group set up in the South Hall at CES all week, He is still an Apple Fanboy but now prefers an Android phone over his older iPhone. He disses AT&T more than the iPhone. I catch all his shows on the iPad and download the audio on my TP2 RSS feed. he uses small format HD camcorders, professional lighting and sound so the show does look good. I have not seen his program on my 120" screen but the quality looks very good on the iPad.

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