Dish will be hit way harder.
People will drop dish, and go where they can get what I want.
Plain and simple.
Only the fanboys will stick around.
Plain and simple.
No, that's the whole point of the articles being written, plain and simple. It's not anyone here or affiliated with DISH who is reporting the cable companies who have dropped Viacom. And while not representative of subscribers as a whole, I don't see or expect to see to many posters much upset about the loss should it happen. Take some time and see the problems facing Viacom instead of being troll like with your fanboy remarks.
"Cable and satellite operators, who pay networks’ owners for the right to carry them, are less likely to agree to high prices for channels with declining audiences and fewer hit shows. Two small cable companies, including Suddenlink, have dropped Viacom. “If Suddenlink can survive without Viacom, why can’t a larger cable company?” asks Benjamin Swinburne, an analyst at Morgan Stanley. New entrants to the pay-TV market, which may soon include Apple, are beginning to offer “light” bundles: instead of charging subscribers a fortune for dozens of channels they rarely watch, these offer a cheaper, more limited selection. If these take off, network owners like Viacom may have a struggle to ensure their channels are included in them."