What will the biggest complaint be after the shutofff

Peter Parker

Formerly Geronimo
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 9, 2003
Here are some choices. Tell me what you think.

1. Hey why I can't i get Ch 6 anymore?
2. Gee i thought the superstations were going away. Is DISH asking for a lawsuit?
3. Gee why can't I get the superstations IN HD now?
4. Why isn't this rerun of Gilligan's Island in HD now?
5. i just noticed that the VOOM channels are missing.
Here are some choices. Tell me what you think.

1. Hey why I can't i get Ch 6 anymore?
2. Gee i thought the superstations were going away. Is DISH asking for a lawsuit?
3. Gee why can't I get the superstations IN HD now?
4. Why isn't this rerun of Gilligan's Island in HD now?
5. i just noticed that the VOOM channels are missing.

6. I've connected my government covert box. How do I tune my TV set to channel 3?
7. Do they make a crank operated DTV audio receiver?
The lack of good programming on the static channel.
The only question I'm going to get is the one station moving from UHF to VHF tomorrow. People are going to ask "What happend to WAFB?"
heh. until tomorrow/today.. you could actually listen to TV channel 6 on 87.7FM if there was a channel 6 in your area. some of the channel 6's were smart enough to market it.

In fact we have a "low pwered TV' cahnnel 6 that is reallya rasio station in disguise. No picture just audio.
Our stupid digital NBC channel switched programming to RF channel 11 from RF 9, but left a static slate on RF 9 using the same PSIP as their channel 11 so it confused the hell out of my 622.

I had to manually remove the channel 9 RF and manually add the RF 11.
Here's a real one I picked up on a station's website:

I've been receiving the WSPA HD digital signal with an antenna for
over 2 years now. I bought the UHF antenna I was told I needed and have
been enjoying the HD programming. I just called your "help line" and they
tell me you're changing to a VHF signal and I will no longer be able to
receive your HD channel. Why the bait and switch? You are disconnecting
hundreds, maybe thousands, of customers who have already been receiving
your signal. I thought you were on my side.
heh. until tomorrow/today.. you could actually listen to TV channel 6 on 87.7FM if there was a channel 6 in your area. some of the channel 6's were smart enough to market it.

Yep, channel 6 in Milwaukee did market it to some degree and announced that it will be lost with the channel.
Judging by the early anecdotal evidence I'm seeing, the main complaint is going to be, "digital reception on VHF sucks."
Not for me - channel 6 in Albany was very unreliable on digital channel 39. Now they have moved back to 6, I no longer get drop outs - my guess is that their signal is not ricocheting off the mountains and I have less mutlipath issues now that it is VHF. Don't know if that makes sense, but it seems to be the reality.
biggest complaint will be from Bob Haller

"Even though I get all the channels crystal clear my 2nd cousin 3 times removed that lives another 30 miles west of me can't get all the channels and they use to get 4 snowy channels"
My biggest complaint is, why in the world would they switch frequencies at the last minute? Everything was working fine for YEARS, then all of the sudden switch from UHF to VHF. FOUR channels in my DMAs switched, so almost everyone who had UHF antennas for digital TV has to go out and buy new antennas. Stupid stupid stupid.

The Tivo still doesn't have the RF correct for ABC and the Mhz networks, and it will probably be that way for at least a week!
I overheard a lady telling a friend that when she woke up Friday morning she only had ch 33. She told her friend that she had a DTV set, but it appeared that everyone needed the converter box. I suspect that she, like many, purchased a DTV set which was delivered and installed by others so she had no concept of scanning. I stepped into the room (at the ER) told them I was eavesdropping and explained how to re-scan by finding the menu. She had ch 33 probably because it was already being simulcast (prior to the transition) on real ch 25, which is its assigned channel in the new world of DTV.

How many more were caught off-guard like this is anyone's guess.