Molyneux says Live "more impactful" than Wii remote - Xbox 360 Fanboy
Granted, it's the 360 blog report of an interview, but thought it might be a nice debate topic.
What is more impactful in the long term for console gaming, the Xbox Live service, or the Wii motion controls?
Like many of my friends, the Wii has been somewhat gathering dust between releases, and even when new releases come about we're not all that into them lately. The moton controls were incredible, and with games like Mario Party they will forever be fun and keep things fairly fresh.
With Xbox Live, a stable certified platform for video, demo, and arcade releases. The profile and achievement system built into every game, a certain level of compliance that every piece involved, whether it originates there or is played through the service.
Both are clearly the best implementations of their efforts (an online console community, and motion controls), which will have the best effect on the console world?
Certainly the Wii's success has resulted in Sony pushing alternative forms of controls with the SixAxis, as well as pushing the envelope with their Home service (which will have achievements displayed in your home space a la Live!).
Can movement based controls ever be more than just a novelty?
Maybe I should have just started a blog account and posted this there and linked to it, didn't expect to go on this long about it.
Interview link: Interview with Peter Molyneux [English] < Fable 2
Joystiq coverage: Molyneux: Xbox Live 'far more impactful' than Wii waggle - Joystiq
Granted, it's the 360 blog report of an interview, but thought it might be a nice debate topic.
What is more impactful in the long term for console gaming, the Xbox Live service, or the Wii motion controls?
Like many of my friends, the Wii has been somewhat gathering dust between releases, and even when new releases come about we're not all that into them lately. The moton controls were incredible, and with games like Mario Party they will forever be fun and keep things fairly fresh.
With Xbox Live, a stable certified platform for video, demo, and arcade releases. The profile and achievement system built into every game, a certain level of compliance that every piece involved, whether it originates there or is played through the service.
Both are clearly the best implementations of their efforts (an online console community, and motion controls), which will have the best effect on the console world?
Certainly the Wii's success has resulted in Sony pushing alternative forms of controls with the SixAxis, as well as pushing the envelope with their Home service (which will have achievements displayed in your home space a la Live!).
Can movement based controls ever be more than just a novelty?
Maybe I should have just started a blog account and posted this there and linked to it, didn't expect to go on this long about it.
Interview link: Interview with Peter Molyneux [English] < Fable 2
Joystiq coverage: Molyneux: Xbox Live 'far more impactful' than Wii waggle - Joystiq