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This might be off topic but with the new hd channels coming out sometime will i be able to get cbs in Indy i get 6 (abc) 13 (nbc) and 59 (fox) is there some reasion I can not get 8?
This might be off topic but with the new hd channels coming out sometime will i be able to get cbs in Indy i get 6 (abc) 13 (nbc) and 59 (fox) is there some reasion I can not get 8?

WISH is owned by LIN TV, http://www.lintv.com/main.asp , which owns a number of TV stations across the country. LIN feels that the income from satellite and cable companies is important going forward and has been withholding retransmission rights unless D* (and E*) pay what they want. So far D* and E* haven't been willing to pay up, IIRC they're saying the rates that LIN wants are way out of line from what other stations want to charge.
This might be off topic but with the new hd channels coming out sometime will i be able to get cbs in Indy i get 6 (abc) 13 (nbc) and 59 (fox) is there some reasion I can not get 8?

Is your CBS affiliate owned by LIN TV? If so, your out of luck. LIN TV and DirecTV haven't yet finialized their negeotiations yet.

My FOX affiliate, here in Green Bay, WI, is only avialable in SD and is owned by LIN TV.
WISH is owned by LIN TV, http://www.lintv.com/main.asp , which owns a number of TV stations across the country. LIN feels that the income from satellite and cable companies is important going forward and has been withholding retransmission rights unless D* (and E*) pay what they want. So far D* and E* haven't been willing to pay up, IIRC they're saying the rates that LIN wants are way out of line from what other stations want to charge.
Those cheap mother f***ers.... no wonder I can't get Channel ABC 8 in HD on D*. Oh well doesn't matter. Since they lost MNF and anything else that resembles quality programming I won't be missing out. Besides I still got my antenna for the rare occasion they broadcast something decent.

BTW... For those of you who missed it.. or are on the West Coast....
BEST... FAMILY GUY...EVER was on tonight.
SInclair did the same thing for a while... but I saw the rates they wanted versus the othe rlocal stations... they were almost double.

Since D*, E* and the cable companies increase the number of viewers who can watch the channels, they ought to give them permission at no charge (or even pay for the feed) and let the advertisers provide the financial support!
That apparently is a sign that your account has been authorized to receive the channels from Directv 10. Check channels 480, 481 and 498.
I received them since they became available. Have TP readings in the 70's but will wait and see what happens when D-10 goes live. Did not lose the slide on 498 during yesterday's rain here though.
Its funny.. there's a guy who lives right across the street from my dad who has a 5-lnb dish so he has to have the HD service. I wish I could go over and like just bet him $50 that the HD gets turned on on Wednesday.. problem is though he's a cop.. so I'm not sure if I wanna mess with him.. ;p
Its funny.. there's a guy who lives right across the street from my dad who has a 5-lnb dish so he has to have the HD service. I wish I could go over and like just bet him $50 that the HD gets turned on on Wednesday.. problem is though he's a cop.. so I'm not sure if I wanna mess with him.. ;p

Do you have $ 50 to blow ???
I don't know that I would put ANY bets down on any dates that are speculated... I will be happy if it IS Wendsay, but I would not put MY money on it, maybe your, but not mine !!!

Do you have $ 50 to blow ???
I don't know that I would put ANY bets down on any dates that are speculated... I will be happy if it IS Wendsay, but I would not put MY money on it, maybe your, but not mine !!!


I think iy will be wenesday to to the fact this is the last week in sept. I dont think directv wants to upset us any more than what they have. I been keeping busy playing with VOD, nice concept but still has aways to go
It was amazing; I'm so glad I recorded it. I totally lost it when I saw the old school Doctor Who reference! :D
When they made that joke in the beginning of bringing the afterbirth home instead of Meg, I knew we were all in for a good show.
there was clips of the making of it at a convention thats on youtube.they changed a lot,cut some scenes short etc and change some things for instance the bar scene were the pignosed guy gets in a fight with luke(chris) in the version i saw the pignosed guy mistranslate the alien(there are subtitles) and makes it seem like he wants a fight,so he puts his hand on chris trying to explain such and chris cuts it off,honestly i think the earlier version is better.
I think iy will be wenesday to to the fact this is the last week in sept. I dont think directv wants to upset us any more than what they have. I been keeping busy playing with VOD, nice concept but still has aways to go

I agree Weds seems like the day... Thanks Scott!
I think iy will be wenesday to to the fact this is the last week in sept. I dont think directv wants to upset us any more than what they have. I been keeping busy playing with VOD, nice concept but still has aways to go

Good point ....
But I think it has MORE to do with weather or not they have the problems fixed.

there was clips of the making of it at a convention thats on youtube.they changed a lot,cut some scenes short etc and change some things for instance the bar scene were the pignosed guy gets in a fight with luke(chris) in the version i saw the pignosed guy mistranslate the alien(there are subtitles) and makes it seem like he wants a fight,so he puts his hand on chris trying to explain such and chris cuts it off,honestly i think the earlier version is better.

That joke was done the same way on Robot Chicken a few months ago.
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