What was the point in that Planet Green Countdown Clock?

Anybody who thinks that global warming is not happening is diluted. The exact cause can be disputed, but it is occurring. Does global warming mean that it's hotter everywhere? No. Weather patterns change, storms become more severe. Is global warming over-hyped? Yes, but you've got to start sometime. These resources are limited and it's better for all if we are thrifty. Will I watch green planet? No. Now, let's get back to some more important discussions, like where's my VOOM or this HD channel sucks...
The countdown clock was very distracting. Kinda in your face thing.

Glen Beck had the Alaska Governor on a few days ago and she WANTS ANWAR drilled. There ain't crap to hurt in that area so I say drill away. It is only a couple thousand acres they are talking about anyway.

This green thing is nothing but a gimmick. The Patent and trademark office is about a year behind on granting trademarks because of green this and green that.

That said I actually work for a "Green" company making cellulose insulation out of recycled newspaper and cardboard. When it comes to saving money on monthly bills I am all for using this stuff as it works.

Now back to that damm annoying countdown clock.
Having your doubts about Global Warming doesn't mean you should be a total a$$hole about energy consumption. Go give your Hummer's tailpipe a hummer.

Personally, I KNOW Global Warming is real, but I don't believe humans have very much to do about it. The temp has been going up and down long before we were walking around.

There are plenty of things we can do for completely selfish reasons that also happen to be eco-friendly. I'm sick of $950 propane bills and $100 a week in gasoline. I just want to save money. If doing that goes one one-billionth of a percent towards not killing one particular penguin...bonus.
Anybody who thinks that global warming is not happening is diluted. The exact cause can be disputed, but it is occurring. Does global warming mean that it's hotter everywhere? No. Weather patterns change, storms become more severe. Is global warming over-hyped? Yes, but you've got to start sometime. These resources are limited and it's better for all if we are thrifty. Will I watch green planet? No. Now, let's get back to some more important discussions, like where's my VOOM or this HD channel sucks...

If it doesn't get hotter everywhere, then why do they call it GLOBAL warming??? Otherwise it would be called localized warming, or maybe even summer. :hungry:

Educate yourself on the facts, the planet (global) has COOLED (opposite of warming) more in the last year then it warmed in the last 100 years.

It's also not global warming when it's a natural cycle of the earth.

And I too would like to know how much better all that mercury in the CFL's is for the earth. Especially when they sell then under the guise of lasting 7 times longer than incandescent bulbs, then you only get 5 months out of them.

This thread is about a channel called "PLanet Green" on Dish Network.

There is not "Global Warming" channel. :)

Please watch the channel before assuming it's about this voletile political topic.
If it doesn't get hotter everywhere, then why do they call it GLOBAL warming??? Otherwise it would be called localized warming, or maybe even summer. :hungry:

Educate yourself on the facts, the planet (global) has COOLED (opposite of warming) more in the last year then it warmed in the last 100 years.

It's also not global warming when it's a natural cycle of the earth.

And I too would like to know how much better all that mercury in the CFL's is for the earth. Especially when they sell then under the guise of lasting 7 times longer than incandescent bulbs, then you only get 5 months out of them.

My post was necessarily brief (more like laconic) because it would take pages to accurately address this topic and this is obviously not the place. I meant that certain areas will experience warmer weather and other areas; colder weather. The oveall average is increasing. Global warming is not specific to human influence: it is what it is. Global warming has been occurring at a greater clip since the start of the industrial revolution. A single cooler year does not constitute contrary proof. It is simply a blip. If cooling continues for many years to come, then you may have a point. We're talking about large spans of time.
Mercury released by coal-fired power plants contribute more than a CFL. CFL's reduce electricity consumption and actually reduce Hg in atmosphere.
Holy cow, you saved $100/month on lighting alone? Our total electric bill is less than $100/month, for a 2600 sq ft house. What are you doing that needs so much light?

where do you live? i'm paying over $400 a month for my light bill.
where do you live? i'm paying over $400 a month for my light bill.

Here in Colorado the enviros are bound and determined to drive up the cost of our electricity. Since they now control the PUC and changed its rules, along with controlling the State government, there is little that can be done to stop this march toward higher utility costs in the name of reducing our carbon footprint (LOL!).

They are now forcing the local utilities to provide power via windmills and solar arrays. After 30 years and billions of dollars, starting with the Carter administration, solar cells aren't much more efficient today than they were then, and the windmill farms are so despoiling of our natural landscapes that even Ted Kennedy doesn't want them within 50 miles of his house. Meanwhile, the only real proven, non-air-polluting alternative, commercial nuclear power (e.g., France, Japan) can't restart because of the same people who complain about burning coal.

Carbon footprint is a joke. Carbon is not a pollutant, it is a natural byproduct of organic chemical reactions. All human and animal life on the planet exhales carbon dioxide and emits the even worst gas, methane. Taken to the extreme, at some point in this century the environmental whackos will propose to mandate the control of all animal life populations. Ask yourself how they will determine who has to die and when.

BTW, the enviros don't call it Global Warming anymore (it has been shown to the contrary too many times). Now they call it Climate Change. This allows them to point at anything in the environment that isn't exactly on the average or is undesirable to be labeled a result of climate change. What garbage!

No, I probably won't be watching the Green channel, just like I no longer watch any environmental stories by PBS or the mainstream media. It is now presented as a religion that requires faith, rather than as technically informative presentations.

Disclosure: I'm a retired mechanical engineer who spent many of my early years out of school on energy conservation projects in major plants in different industries, including oil refining. I appreciate the cost and fuel saving benefits of such, but conservation can only go so far with a constantly expanding national and world population. Failing to exploit our domestic petroleum sources has put us in the $4/gallon gas situation, with all the major airlines on the ropes. Does anybody really believe that we will find a way to power high speed aircraft with solar cells and wind turbines?

End of rant!

This thread is about a channel called "PLanet Green" on Dish Network.

There is not "Global Warming" channel. :)

Please watch the channel before assuming it's about this voletile political topic.

Well said. I think it's great to have a channel dedicated to the green living & industry. We need more different concept channels like Monsters, Planet Green, Animal Planet, Logo, Rave, Rush, We, etc. We have plenty of me too channels. If we can get the HD verision, several shows are produced in HD.
Educate yourself on the facts, the planet (global) has COOLED (opposite of warming) more in the last year then it warmed in the last 100 years.

You can't disprove a theory based on relatively short-term climate data with even shorter-term data. Obviously, there have been changes to the earth's climate. Are they due to human intervention? We'd have to be pretty ignorant to think that we have had zero impact on the planet. Are we the only cause? We'd have to be pretty arrogant to think so.

I sincerely hope that "Planet Green" will present a balanced, science-based view of what it means to live on this blue-and-green marble and be environmentally conscious. We don't need another political channel to stir up off-topic conversations on this board! ;)
where do you live? i'm paying over $400 a month for my light bill.

:eek: Eek! :eek:

I live in the Detroit area. $250-400/month should be a car payment, not an electric bill. How much of that bill is a/c vs. lighting?

I would guess our usage runs around $50 for fridge, $20 for continuous furnace fan, and about $20 for everything else. We rarely use a/c, only on the hottest days of the summer. I can imagine that someone could have higher costs if they have a chest freezer, pool pump, dehumidifier, etc.

Lighting seems like a negligible expense, compared to the other stuff. Of course, if someone had a basement full of grow lights for an illicit crop, their mileage may vary.
You can't disprove a theory based on relatively short-term climate data with even shorter-term data. Obviously, there have been changes to the earth's climate. Are they due to human intervention? We'd have to be pretty ignorant to think that we have had zero impact on the planet. Are we the only cause? We'd have to be pretty arrogant to think so.

I sincerely hope that "Planet Green" will present a balanced, science-based view of what it means to live on this blue-and-green marble and be environmentally conscious. We don't need another political channel to stir up off-topic conversations on this board! ;)

Claiming global warming based on short-term data and theory doesn't sell either. Regardless, the science proves otherwise, but as said earlier it's turned into a religion with the "believers".

As for the balanced view, I'm not hopeful the channel will present this. If it follows every other outlet that "goes green" it will try to shove global warming down viewers throats with falseties and out of context facts.
I'll not be watching, it'll go in the same list as the spanish channels.

Over 31,000 scientist say that Global Warming is not happening. The one's that are saying it are those who receive grants (government money) to do research.


It's amazing the wide array of people who find a way to suggest that scientists who receive government grants are somehow in the business of lying or don't do any valuable work. Just the other week, an animal lib person sold me the same story, only it was scientist who do testing on animals, only because they get money from the government.
Claiming global warming based on short-term data and theory doesn't sell either. Regardless, the science proves otherwise, but as said earlier it's turned into a religion with the "believers".

As for the balanced view, I'm not hopeful the channel will present this. If it follows every other outlet that "goes green" it will try to shove global warming down viewers throats with falseties and out of context facts.
I'll not be watching, it'll go in the same list as the spanish channels.


It is almost laughable to sit back and watch these nits get there panties in a knot over blatant BS. In the mid 1970s there were articles in upstanding scientific journals such as Newsweek and National Geographic stating the fact that we were heading for an impending ice age, set to be in full force by the mid 1980s. The culprit? The car. That's right, your nasty car was putting off too much carbon monoxide, a green house gas that was solely responsible for the impending ice age. The solution? Catalytic converters became mandatory equipment on all new cars in the US by legislative fiat. The consensus was that turning carbon monoxide in to water and carbon dioxide, two innocuous byproducts, we could save the planet from freezing to death. Fast forward to the year 2002, we have an impending doom, Global Warming. The culprit? The car. The previously innocuous carbon dioxide has been found to be a green house gas. ---do not gasp, you and every other mammal on Earth exhales same carbon dioxide. ie, your breathing is killing the planet.

On a side note, some loon in California set two gas stations on fire to protest the high cost of gasoline. Hmm, might be supply and demand. Do I really need to point out the irony. She also set a Starbucks on fire. No one, including the perp, knows what the Starbucks fire was all about. Maybe to warm the globe?
Global warming or climate change the question you should ask is ( what ever is happening do you think the government controlling and taxing every thing you do is going to fix it??? I think not.
1958 film, "The Unchained Goddess" directed by Frank Capra..
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