What the hell are you doing Sony????? Blu-Ray player price

One of the main reasons my wife got me a PS3 was for BluRay movies. I am simply not interested in playing games on my PS3 as there are no good games on the PS3 yet which I would like.

I played Madden Football last night for the PS3 and I kicked butt at the pro level winning my game 72 to 0. I was so bored by the 2nd quarter I couldn't wait for it to end.

I have some BlueRay movies on order from gamesnflicks and will give them a spin and see how they are, as I am undecided as of yet if I want to keep this thing.

Pro is one of the easiest levels on that game. Try it on the All-Pro or Madden difficulty and the game won't be as easy.
I understand what you are saying, but to me I would count PS3 sales as only those who bought the PS3 as game and Blu ray not just blu ray....plus the people who want a PS3 from here on out are going to be the ones buying it, all we are going to see is true demand for the PS3 from here on out (well after the europe Launch) From a article I just read Sony has shipped 4 million PS3's which is impressive, while stores do have them sitting on shelfs in my area, within a week they are bought, even the local gamestop guy admitted the last week the sales have been doing better.

I spoke to 2 gamestop managers this week and they both said that PS3 sales now were pretty much just adults that want a lower priced Blu-ray player and have no interest in video games.

Once there is an under $600 Blu-ray player PS3 sales will drop even further.
I spoke to 2 gamestop managers this week and they both said that PS3 sales now were pretty much just adults that want a lower priced Blu-ray player and have no interest in video games.

Once there is an under $600 Blu-ray player PS3 sales will drop even further.

Is there any where to find attach rates of video games sold to ps3's sold, I think that would help us see whats really going on.
Is there any where to find attach rates of video games sold to ps3's sold, I think that would help us see whats really going on.

Attached rates only show what was purchased with the console at the time of sale. Seeing as the PS3 is more expensive at $499/599 the attach rate is pretty low - from what I have seen .7.

Now don't expect that to change any time soon. There are a few games coming out this Month (Motorstorm and Oblivion) that just might sale systems.

On another note, Sony is taking the last war cry from the HD-DVD crowd. This summer by lauching a $599 fully fuctioning BD player the HD-DVD crowd can no longer stand on their "we are cheaper" box. In addition, Sony is predicting that BD players will be out in the $399 range by XMAS of 2007.

All of this should not effect PS3 sales. There will be bigger game titles coming down the line and this should spur PS3 sales along. Starting this month, every month there is going to be at least one or two titles that people are going to want to play. The PS3 should do fine and maybe by summer of 2008 we will see a price drop on the PS3 if the BD players really do come down in price the way Sony is predicting.
Attached rates only show what was purchased with the console at the time of sale. Seeing as the PS3 is more expensive at $499/599 the attach rate is pretty low - from what I have seen .7.

Now don't expect that to change any time soon. There are a few games coming out this Month (Motorstorm and Oblivion) that just might sale systems.

On another note, Sony is taking the last war cry from the HD-DVD crowd. This summer by lauching a $599 fully fuctioning BD player the HD-DVD crowd can no longer stand on their "we are cheaper" box. In addition, Sony is predicting that BD players will be out in the $399 range by XMAS of 2007.

All of this should not effect PS3 sales. There will be bigger game titles coming down the line and this should spur PS3 sales along. Starting this month, every month there is going to be at least one or two titles that people are going to want to play. The PS3 should do fine and maybe by summer of 2008 we will see a price drop on the PS3 if the BD players really do come down in price the way Sony is predicting.

I can see Motorstorm selling systems, since they ads for it actually show the game, unlike those vague mishmash PS3 ads that have been airing since launch.

Oblivion will be enjoyed by those who already have systems IMO, I dont think it will noticeably drive sales. Anyone who wanted to play it that bad already picked up a 360 to do so.
One of the main reasons my wife got me a PS3 was for BluRay movies. I am simply not interested in playing games on my PS3 as there are no good games on the PS3 yet which I would like.

I played Madden Football last night for the PS3 and I kicked butt at the pro level winning my game 72 to 0. I was so bored by the 2nd quarter I couldn't wait for it to end.

I have some BlueRay movies on order from gamesnflicks and will give them a spin and see how they are, as I am undecided as of yet if I want to keep this thing.

Lame Scott....Like at that level it is any different on the 360....I tell you what, play me online at any level and lets see if you think the game is challenging. I know you try to say you are neutral on these things but,,, alas you are going into this thing with some kind of chip on your shoulder. Hey, if you have another system, 360 lets say, and you have another BD player or HD-DVD player than of course, by all means you don't need a PS3, no one has ever said you would.

After watching the BluRay on it if you still feel the thing isn't worth keeping then you must have another way of watching HDDVD or your not interested in it, no one has questioned the PS3 as a pretty good BluRay palyer that I have seen. I like mine.
Lame Scott....Like at that level it is any different on the 360....I tell you what, play me online at any level and lets see if you think the game is challenging. I know you try to say you are neutral on these things but,,, alas you are going into this thing with some kind of chip on your shoulder. Hey, if you have another system, 360 lets say, and you have another BD player or HD-DVD player than of course, by all means you don't need a PS3, no one has ever said you would.

After watching the BluRay on it if you still feel the thing isn't worth keeping then you must have another way of watching HDDVD or your not interested in it, no one has questioned the PS3 as a pretty good BluRay palyer that I have seen. I like mine.

easy there cowboy, I dont think Scott meant any harm to the PS3-if he meant it you would know.
I really don't think so either...but...not a single positive comment about a system that has many. Just a general statement about a game that is every bit as good on the PS3 as it is on the 360.
I world never buy a stand alone bluray or hd dvd without it having a recordable feature.

It seem to foolish to have just a player. I own both bluray and a hd-dvd with my gaming console.
And I would never buy a standalone player with a recording feature. Something like that would most definately be filled with DRM and copy protection measures making it worthless IMO.