What the heck up with D* vs Dish re: HD

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I'm a 10 year subscriber to D* that finally upgraded to HD early last year. Man, that seems like a long time ago right about now. Back then, D* seemed like it was going to emerge as the true satellite leader in HD content. D* was in the midst of a huge ad campaign touting HD locals in my area (Miami/Ft. Lauderdale) probably by early 2006, with an unspecified number of HD national channels to follow. In the meantime, D* had the superior HR10-250 HD-DVR with tivo. Plus, there was news that D* would be adding ESPN2-HD in time for the 2006 college football season and maybe even TNT-HD in time for the NBA playoff push. So, on that basis, I eagerly bought the HR10-250 and have been enjoying it and D*'s limited HD content immensely ever since.

If my story ended there, I would have nothing to be disappointed about. But, I have a big mouth and decided to tease my friends who have E* about how lame their set up was. Needless to say, I've been eating my words ever since. First, E* added the Voom channels. Then it also added ESPN2-HD. This month E* is purportedly adding Starz-HD, NGC-HD, and HGTV-HD to its already superior HD content. And, the real icing on the cake? This past weekend my Miami friends got their HD locals through E* on a brand new mpeg 4- HDDVR, while I am still patiently waiting for both of these to be offered to me by D*.

Its too bad that My Name is Earl wasn't on television in the 2005-2006 television season. Because I'm learning the hard way that karma is a beeyatch.
I think its going to be a constant game of leap frogging for a bit. E* just jumped D* and may for this year. I think all of us are really hoping D* jumps back next year and instead of it being incremental that they leap way beyond what E* can respond with. As others have stated, they more willing to be patient then arbitrarily jumping back. I sure do hope the slow and steady approach yields results. I for one only wish a few more channels, my HD locals, an HD MPEG4 DVR and Windows Media Center direct capturing. If they do that, I will be thrilled.
Brewer4 said:
I think its going to be a constant game of leap frogging for a bit. E* just jumped D* and may for this year. I think all of us are really hoping D* jumps back next year and instead of it being incremental that they leap way beyond what E* can respond with. As others have stated, they more willing to be patient then arbitrarily jumping back. I sure do hope the slow and steady approach yields results. I for one only wish a few more channels, my HD locals, an HD MPEG4 DVR and Windows Media Center direct capturing. If they do that, I will be thrilled.
I've had D* for over ten years and I find myself in the same boat as you. I know E* is better now but D* should jump way over E* sometime next year and I don't want to play the back of forth game with my providers. I'll just sit tight and wait patiently. If D* drops the ball next year after their new sats are up then I'll consider switching.
uncrules said:
I've had D* for over ten years and I find myself in the same boat as you. I know E* is better now but D* should jump way over E* sometime next year and I don't want to play the back of forth game with my providers. I'll just sit tight and wait patiently. If D* drops the ball next year after their new sats are up then I'll consider switching.

Good idea,
The one thing most don't have on these boards.

Then the next thing people will be complaining about once the birds are up is, Now that they are up,

Why no changes,................ the next day ....

Don't forget they have to be tested, after that then handed over to D* and then tweaked by D* .....

Then activated by D*,

So just because we may all find out what day they go up, (you know we will know that) doesn't mean they will be activated right away, D* usually doesn't even get possession of them for the 1st month, THEM thier testing starts.

I think a lot of us would be a LOT more patient if they would just BE UP FRONT with us. They don't have to tell us everything. Just tell us what they are trying to do in general....three new channals by X date, another three by THIS date. Most of us would be willing to live with that.
D* V.s. E*

I was with E* for over 10 years than I got my HDTV talked to E* about HD and they said they were the HDTV leaders so I stayed with them then I looked at what E* had and WOW :hatsoff: I dropped D* and went to E* I have the vip211 and WOW I'm glade I did E* is great. So if D* is the leader than they need to look at what their comp is doing because D* SUCKS!!!!!!

D* HDTV 900 hr :eek:

ESPN HD Channel 73

ESPN2 HD Channel 72

Universal HD Channel 74

Discovery HD Theater Channel 76

HDNet Movies Channel 78

HDNet Channel 79

TNT HD Channel 75


Showtime HD

E* HDTV 1700 hr:up :neener:eek:

Animania HD
Family Room HD
GamePlay HD
Discovery HD Theater
Equator HD
National Geographic Channel HD
DISH Network PPV in HD
Film Fest HD
HDNet Movies
Kung Fu HD
Monsters HD
World Cinema HD
Rave HD
Showtime HD
Starz HDTV
NFL Network HD
Rush HD
WorldSport HD
Gallery HD
Treasure HD
Ultra HD
Universal HD

So who is the leader I know It's E* unless you talk to D* they still think it's them..
scotsmanron said:
I think a lot of us would be a LOT more patient if they would just BE UP FRONT with us. They don't have to tell us everything. Just tell us what they are trying to do in general....three new channals by X date, another three by THIS date. Most of us would be willing to live with that.

holy crap 29? So wait it out till next year when they launch then a couple more months to get up and running? no thanks, i will switch just too damn many hd channels, spent too much money on the tv's, and have waite too long to actually have choices, When D* realy becomes the leader I will look at coming back, until then Dish here I come. :eek:
Brewer4 said:
I think its going to be a constant game of leap frogging for a bit. E* just jumped D* and may for this year.

Just? E* has been ahead for quite some time. And if PQ is any criteria as it should be, then a very long time. D* hasnt seen PQ since the first ST HD football game which was at least 3 years ago.
Why is everyone so in love with E* over D*? What does E* have that D* does not in terms of HD. So it has more channels, the PQ is better, they have a mpeg 4 HD-DVR...etc..etc... Is that the only thing people care about? :shocked
TulsaCoker said:
Why is everyone so in love with E* over D*? What does E* have that D* does not in terms of HD. So it has more channels, the PQ is better, they have a mpeg 4 HD-DVR...etc..etc... Is that the only thing people care about? :shocked
Considering the services supposedly provide HD TV (a big concession here calling D* HDlite crap HD), yes the number of HD channels and the quality are the most important things. :rolleyes:
Maybe someone should contact D* and ask them what makes them the HD leader?

Maybe threaten a class action lawsuit claiming false advertising.
I added DISH when they added some VOOM last July and promised more. As one of the original VOOMERS, I really missed it. They have paid me back with 29 great HD channels (I can view and record all my Locals HD OTA too) and a very good MPEG4 DVR. My investment in HD has paid off thanks DISH! I am really impressed. but I continue to keep my DirecTV account with both SD & HD TiVOs but not sure why except I do own my equipment (and back up) and think they may offer a free up-grade in the future. (I didn't know it was going to take so long, however)

If I had D* only, and had a Home Theater or watch/record a lot of TV, or a large investment in HD I would say switch to E* NOW! Life is short, enjoy your toys and show-off your HD equipment! As a side benefit you will even see better SD Picture Quality and their VIP 622 DVR is in many ways better than the DirecTV TiVO. Yes I can say this since I have both and use each everyday! I use DISH as my first choice for viewing and recording. If you can afford it you can add just one additional dish (dish 1000) and if you have more than one HD input on your TV (two of my five are HD in Home Theater plus I have a home distribution system for all others) and you will see what I'm saying is true. If not, I'm sure it would be a hassle, but think DISH has a new guarantee that you can try their service for free, for 30 days. Otherwise, do you know someone that has DISH HD? Ask them to see what they have? If you can wait it out fine, but you are missing out on some great HD programming now, even if it is the off Summer Programing Season. I want instant gratification and have been an early adapter for many years. In most cases I have been rewarded with enjoyment before those that take a wait & see attitude that are always waiting for the next improvement or price drop. My Brother usually waits and ends up doing nothing. One year or so is a long time, and sorry to say several of us will not be around, then. ENJOY Today!
Went ahead and pulled the trigger today. Bye-bye D*, hello E*. I'm getting the 622 installed next Monday.:p
rickaren said:
I am really impressed. but I continue to keep my DirecTV account with both SD & HD TiVOs but not sure why except I do own my equipment (and back up) and think they may offer a free up-grade in the future. (I didn't know it was going to take so long, however)

Not sure why not, the earliest that has been rumored was late summer 2006 which has not arrived yet, and someone posted they were told (grain of salt) September 2006.
Sort of off-topic, but is it a fair statement to make that if you are a big sports fan D* is the service to have, but if you're not a sports fan E* is the one to have?
Bunnyman said:
Sort of off-topic, but is it a fair statement to make that if you are a big sports fan D* is the service to have, but if you're not a sports fan E* is the one to have?

More like "IF you are a big Sports fan D* is the one to have.
If you are not a big Sports fan, either is your options.
Other than the ST, they both carry the same content.
One may have a few channels that the other wants, but over all it's a give and take.
There will come a time when D* will have a few more channels than E. and then you may think the other way around.
If you look at the overall picture and not week to week as many here do...
You will see that they are very simular over the long haul.

It all depends on how the person subbing feels at the time.
I have freinds that sub to E as well as D*.
Generally, if Sports is what you are after then D* is the place to go.
Thats what brought me here, I considered DISH at the time I made my choice, but sports was (and still is an issue with me) as far as my programming goes.

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I had made up my mind to switch to D* when the new HR-20 HD-DVR came out, until I saw E*'s current HD promotion ($199 for the 622, plus DishHD Gold for $49.99 for 10 months), plus the new HD channels they just put up. The E* deal is very tempting and E* CSR says it expires June 30.

Has anybody heard about pricing for D*'s HR-20 HD-DVR? If it's going to be $199 also, I might still wait on it. It has 2 OTA inputs instead of 1, and it has LG's 5th generation ATSC chips (In addition to the big 4 OTA networks, I get also WB, UPN, TBS-Atlanta and PBS in HD). If it wasn't for 2 OTA 5th gen inputs, I would not consider switching to D*.

I will like to hear your opinions on the future D* HR-20 versus the E* 622 HD-DVR (I currently have the E* 811). I know that E* has much more HD programming, but D* could be ahead a year from now.
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