I got the Holiday bundle at Walmart. It included five games:
Resistance Fall of Man
Call of Duty 3
NBA 2k7
Mobile Gundam
Friday Night Round(or whatever)
My tv is 1080i only. Will not accept 720p.
NBA 2k7 is 1080i. I have read that it is not as good graphically as NBA live, but has better game play. I'm gonna keep it.
COD and RFOM. Only gonna keep one. COD is 1080i, RFOM 720p only. Also COD is "more" appropriate for the family. Gonna trade RFOM.
Gonna trade the boxing and mech warrior game for lack of interest. So I have three to trade. I'm going to get Madden and Tiger Woods. Even though they are only 720p the family loves these games.
I don't know what else to get. I am thinking about the Marvel game. My 4 year old daughter won't be able to play it well, but if she is moving Spiderman on the screen she'll have a blast. She plays Tetris against my wife and races to reach the top, then tells my wife that she won. Is the Marvel game any good? What else would you guys reccommend to trade for if I don't get Marvel?
Resistance Fall of Man
Call of Duty 3
NBA 2k7
Mobile Gundam
Friday Night Round(or whatever)
My tv is 1080i only. Will not accept 720p.
NBA 2k7 is 1080i. I have read that it is not as good graphically as NBA live, but has better game play. I'm gonna keep it.
COD and RFOM. Only gonna keep one. COD is 1080i, RFOM 720p only. Also COD is "more" appropriate for the family. Gonna trade RFOM.
Gonna trade the boxing and mech warrior game for lack of interest. So I have three to trade. I'm going to get Madden and Tiger Woods. Even though they are only 720p the family loves these games.
I don't know what else to get. I am thinking about the Marvel game. My 4 year old daughter won't be able to play it well, but if she is moving Spiderman on the screen she'll have a blast. She plays Tetris against my wife and races to reach the top, then tells my wife that she won. Is the Marvel game any good? What else would you guys reccommend to trade for if I don't get Marvel?