What Programming do we want now?

Can I get Food TV? I know, I don't watch it, but my wife will stop giving me hell about nt having it anymore...

BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America BBC America

Great comedy, Great drama, great TV!

Discovery Wings, better movies on the Cinema channels (how about something from at most the 90's???), HDNet, East and West coast feeds of the primetime network shows.

I know I'm missing something here.... Oh, I would love to be able to show the video of MOOV, while using the audio from one of the music channels.
My Vote

BBC America, plain and simple. Best comedy in the world and a must for mystery buffs. And its news gives you a whole different perspective on things.