What new HD programming can we expect?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 12, 2004
I know Dish's copout answer is "when it is cost effective", and I can appreciate that.

But, I am hoping and praying that Dish gets the following soon, if at least for sports reasons:

Stars HD

Anyone with any inside knowledge on Dish's thinking on these channels? I'd sooner shoot myself than have to get the crappy cable digital box just to get these channels, particularly after all the crapola we've had to go through with the 921.

Scott, Mark? Anyone else?
CSTV is in testing right now, so I expect it to be added next week so Charlie can brag about the added channel during the chat....

INHD and INHD2 are owned by cable companies, and they are trying to grab any competitive advantage they can right now. I wouldn't look for them to bend over backwards to make the channels available to DBS subs.

Starz HD will eventually happen, but not until E* gets their HD strategy starightened out. The 3 channels per transponder is killing PQ so lets hope they let that strategy die a quick death. I think Bravo HD is gonna be the first HD add, but Cinemax HD and Starz HD will probably be the next unless the national broadcast feeds get approved first.

I've got a 2nd dish pointed at 61.5 so I hope they put them there..........
Do you really think it's a bandwidth problem? In other words, is it really that 3 HD channels per transponder maxes out the PQ? I haven't noticed any problem with HDNM or HDNET, compared with OTA HD. They seem equivalent when broadcasting a true HD event. I really hope we don't have to move to having multiple satellite dishes. That seems to me the wrong direction.
Either that, or the Superdish (or a newer generation of dish... instead of Dish500, do we call it a DishHD?) strategy needs to be revisited.
mfrodsha said:
Do you really think it's a bandwidth problem? In other words, is it really that 3 HD channels per transponder maxes out the PQ? I haven't noticed any problem with HDNM or HDNET, compared with OTA HD. They seem equivalent when broadcasting a true HD event. I really hope we don't have to move to having multiple satellite dishes. That seems to me the wrong direction.
I'm not certain, but seem to remember reading that HDNMV and HDNET are still alone on one transponder - meaning they are at 2-per instead of 3-per.
HDNMV and HDNET are alone on one TP so their PQ should not be degraded. In regards to CSTV, I didn't think it was an HD channel.
Didn't Charlie say that we were going to get the NOHD, LESSHD, CARELESSHD, MINUSHD FEEDTHEPIGHD, and a few more that I can't seem to recall the names?
Exactly - he got your and mine $1K and now he's just saying:
Charlie Tuna said:
FRELL OFF! You were stupid enough to buy a 921, you're stupid enough to believe I was going to follow through and give you something decent to watch on it.
I seriously doubt you'll see any new HD channels added. I think Charlie wants to keep
bandwidth available for special broadcast(conventions, olympics, PPV, etc.) until more
capacity is added. BravoHD has some good programming, but probably not "Compelling" enough for Dish network! Distant network feeds(If passed by congress) is where Charlie feels he can get the most bang for his buck.

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