What Movies Draw You In Again & Again...

Alien & Aliens
American Graffiti
Apocalypse Now
Cool Hand Luke
Dazed and Confused
Die Hard
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Fifth Element
Full Metal Jacket
Indiana Jones - All
Lethal Weapon - All
Monty Python - Search for the Holy Grail
National Lampoon's Vacation & Christmas Vacation
Planet of the Apes 1 & 2
Rollerball - The 70's version
Shawshank Redemption
Smokey & the Bandit 1
Soilent Green
Star Trek
Star Wars
The Godfather 1&2
Vanishing Point (original)

John Wayne - Rio Lobo, Eldorado, McClintock, Big jake, Hatari
Eastwood - Any of the "Man with no name westerns" or Dirty Harry's
Schwarzenegger - Most of his action stuff.
Mel Brooks - Most of his stuff
Vincent Price in any of the Roger Corman or Dr. Phibes Flicks.

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Alien & Aliens
American Graffiti
Apocalypse Now
Cool Hand Luke
Dazed and Confused
Die Hard
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Fifth Element
Full Metal Jacket
Indiana Jones - All
Lethal Weapon - All
Monty Python - Search for the Holy Grail
National Lampoon's Vacation & Christmas Vacation
Planet of the Apes 1 & 2
Rollerball - The 70's version
Shawshank Redemption
Smokey & the Bandit 1
Soilent Green
Star Trek
Star Wars
The Godfather 1&2
Vanishing Point (original)

John Wayne - Rio Lobo, Eldorado, McClintock, Big jake, Hatari
Eastwood - Any of the "Man with no name westerns" or Dirty Harry's
Schwarzenegger - Most of his action stuff.
Mel Brooks - Most of his stuff
Vincent Price in any of the Roger Corman or Dr. Phibes Flicks.

Not a Bad Apple on this list... ;)
Any of the Zatoichi (glad I DVR'd as many as I could) or other samurai movies. No one mentioned Papillon??!!
Got stuck on oldies:
It's a Wonderful Life, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Harvey, Arsenic and Old Lace, No Highway in the Sky, pretty much anything done by Hitchcock, The Search, Duck Soup.

Not so oldie oldies:
Matinee, Christmas Vacation, A Christmas story, MST 3000 the Movie, Young Frankenstein.
I was just going to mention:
- Animal House
- Stargate (well, before the TV series came out)

But looking through all the interesting ideas above, I added:
- Fast Times at Ridgemont High
- Blues Brothers
- 16 Candles . . . & Pretty In Pink
- Day the Earth Stood Still

Some of mine that didn't get mentioned are:
- The Transporter
- Blue Lagoon
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Ghost Busters
A lot of great movies listed in this thread so far.

Some of my favs are.....

Escape From NY
The Thing (John Carpenter)
Blues Brothers
Forest Gump
Nightmare on Elm Street (original)
Vacation and Christmas Vacation
For the kids and the kid in me....Monsters Inc. , Toy Story 1 and 2 and Finding Nemo
There are quite a few but here is a short list....

Pulp Fiction
Blues Brothers
Clint's spaghetti westerns
Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep
The Matrix (first only, the sequels are horrible)
Connery James Bond
all Alien movies
Rocky Horror
Bull Durham
Apocalypse Now
Seven Samurai
Hitchcock movies
A few anime movies.

Definitely NOT on the list is Star Wars. Seen them enough to last 10 lifetimes. Well, I do like RotS. Also, the biggest factor on whether or not I will watch a movie again is if it is without commercials, unedited, and in HD. Or if I have the DVD. As for the Matrix, the only good version of the sequels I have seen is a fan edit combining 2 and 3 into a single 2 1/2 hr movie.
Star Wars
Animal House
Army of Darkness
Tommy Boy
Blazing Saddles
The Shining
A Few Good Men
Full Metal Jacket
Top Gun
Groundhog Day
Pretty much any John Wayne or Clint Eastwood Western.