What Locations do I need?



Original poster
Ok sorry if this is a stupid user question but here goes.

I live in Richmond VA which is a Superdish location if you want locals. I will be calling tomorrow to get setup under DHP with SuperDish:

- Locals
- America's Everything Pak
- International (Russian) programming

Question is can I get all the above with just the Superdish?
You should not have any problems in regards to locals requiring a second dish along with America's Everything Package but in order to get International programming in the future it is unknown whether it will be located on 105, 121, or the wing slots. It had been mentioned in the past that the international channels were going to be located at 121 but they also said HD was going on SuperDish so anything is due to change at any time.
With this recent change to HD location, can anyone tell me what I would need to get HDTV and international (Korean for mother-in-law) programming? Thanks!
The HD is just going to be on 110, so any Dish500/SuperDish set up will work for that.

The Korean programming on 61.5 would be available. Since you are in N.Va, the Wing Satellite Dish 61.5 would be free to you since "Must carry" locals are on there.

If there are new Korean channels that are exclusive to the 121 satellite, then you'd have to get the 121 SuperDish to receive them. And that would complicate things.

Damnit - 811 delayed until tomorrow?????

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