What is your Favorite E* hd chnl?

Cute but wasn't really called for this should be in the HDLite thread.

a future consumer should be aware that they are "lite" not full bitrates... I know i wasn't aware of that fact until I had read a few forum posts... still i decided to go ahead & signup for the service.
ehren- go watch D* and then come complain about E*. :rolleyes:

W2N- we've got to remember, some of this stuff isn't even captured at the source in 1920x1080- some stops at 1440 or even less. There are other threads with more on this. It will be years before we can count on source, editing, transport and transmission all being able to support full 1920x1080 across the board. And then there may still be down rezzing for financial reasons.
Not for this thread

a future consumer should be aware that they are "lite" not full bitrates... I know i wasn't aware of that fact until I had read a few forum posts... still i decided to go ahead & signup for the service.
The statement has nothing to do with this thread. The bitrate and HDLite are in other areas of the forum. All I'm saying is stay on topic.
Definitely ESPN/ESPN2, sometimes TNT and RUSH (can't get enough of the skiing/boarding...reminds me how much I hate Oklahoma!!!). Otherwise, I could care less about Food, Kung Fu, HGTV, whatever the hell else they have on there. I guess Dish has done a decent job of trying to provide a spectrum of channels to meet everyone's needs. All of us probably only watch a couple VOOM channels and think the rest suck, but for every channel you think sucks, someone out there is glad Dish has it. So it all works out in the end.
DISH offers 30 national HD channels.

My favorite is Equator, mostly for Smart Travels and other travelogues.

I agree. Equator takes the most advantage of HD. Rudy Maxa's Smart Travels is so enhanced by HD that you almost feel you are there if you haven't been. If you have, it brings it back so clearly.

ESPN and ESPN2 present quality Sports productions in HD. Discovery HD should be as good as Equator but, while it isn't, it is still one of the best.

Rave is fun to watch when they have a good group.

HGTV has the best quality picture in my opinion.