It shouldn't affect the rsns at all.
CSN moved stuff like Dan Patrick show from CSN to NBCSN
It shouldn't affect the rsns at all.
I don't think the Dan Patrick show has anything to do with NBC Sports, though, since the show currently airs on NBC Sports, Audience Channel, and Root Sports. I was specifically talking about the actual sports/games. For example, virtually every FS RSN will air a Pac12 football game at the same time. I would assume that those games would move to FS1. Or possibly a lesser game given to the RSNs and the "Good" game goes to FS1. I guess we'll wait and see. Another case would be the Reds games that air on several FS RSN channels, why not make them national?
Another case would be the Reds games that air on several FS RSN channels, why not make them national?