What is the FSN HD holdup?

Clint3200 said:
I am getting very P.O.'d about not having the HD FSN's since D* does.
I would have never switched to E* if I had known they were deceiving us by saying they would have the FSN's in HD "this fall" and "very soon".

Note these are RSN and not all of those that are held up are run by Fox. So what ever the reason for delay its not just Murdoch's FSN.:(
DanB474 said:
Some are luckier than others. On FSN-Bay Area, we are getting 25 Sharks games and 30 Warriors games this year in HD. We had 50 Giants games, and 47 A's games in HD this season. If my math is correct, that is 152 High Definition games that I could watch this year from my local RSN. Of those 152 games, I've seen zero in HD having Dish Network. That pretty much blows.
Yes it does I love my A's and Sharks
waltinvt said:
Not picking on you - just that your post was handy.

A few of us did try to warn you new guys about Dish. They're always pushing the "hype" envelope to the edge and beyond.

It's just the way they do business. They'll insinuate a lot of things but always leave it ambiguous enough so they can't legally be called on it.

I'm beginning to suspect their latest scheme might be "leaking" false information to certain top members of this forum in an attempt to undermine their (and by extension, this forum's) credability.

A more likely scenerio would be to get people's hopes up about INHD and FSHD by uplinking them.....just to attract more subs. Just a bad thought I hope.
A weak technique, as about 1/10th of 1 percent of new customers frequent a site like this and might be swayed by vaporware-eque adds....

More likely they get added as there are rumors that negotiations are close, and that the engineers have to be ready to flip the switch when the ink dries on the paperwork. Of course, many deals fall apart at the 11th hour, when one side pushes too far, or a complication is introduced from an external source that scotches the deal....
yet NESNHD has been on D* for a short(becoming longer)while now.I'm loosing patience.if I thought the B's would be any good,i"d spring the 15 extra bucks for the cablecard,and digital classic.
Looks like another college football Saturday with no HD for the Sooners if you are on E*......

The email I got back from Dish did not have any "very soon" wording in it. It sounded as if there was no timeline and that they would forward my message to the BS department.

Clint3200 said:
The email I got back from Dish did not have any "very soon" wording in it. It sounded as if there was no timeline and that they would forward my message to the BS department.


What is the "BS department"?

I'm not saying Dish shouldn't have one.

I'm just wondering what it is.

Said they would forward my message to the appropriate department.


It was a canned letter with no value or substance whatsoever.
Every time I watch a King's game on FSN and see the "brought to you in HIGH DEFINITION", I do a slow burn. And when I turn to the HDPPV channel and see it is the Kings's game (on CI), but I can't watch it due to blackout rules, the slow burn begins to increase in intensity...

The burn is I paid $150 for CI and I get shut out of HD games...
I am getting sick and bloody tired of Dish telling us BS, in advance and never delivering.
I do think though that they need to fix their F*cking new HD receivers before trying get more HD programming or else there will be a lot more new subs who switch to Dish for eg. RSN HD's and will end up with a sh*tty receiver and no RSN HD.
By this time tomorrow night all the NHL:CI subs will be enjoying the games in HD.

NESNHD might have select games also.

Of course E* could also change their mind and charge us all Superfan fees.

LOL just kidding:p
Are you kidding or are the HD games being added? If so, I see no reason for local FSN-HDs not being on also. Isn't that what spotbeams are for? If only CI subcribers get the HD feeds, they will not get their local team in HD because their local FSN has the broadcasting rights.
By this time tomorrow night all the NHL:CI subs will be enjoying the games in HD.

Of course E* could also change their mind and charge us all Superfan fees.

LOL just kidding:p

Yeah, I can just see it now -- "Sign up by October 20 to be a CI superfan and get the remaining NHL games in HI-DEF (where available) for only $130 -- $20 below the regular price of $150!
Are you kidding or are the HD games being added? If so, I see no reason for local FSN-HDs not being on also. Isn't that what spotbeams are for? If only CI subcribers get the HD feeds, they will not get their local team in HD because their local FSN has the broadcasting rights.

Not sure of this, but if the game is on the local Fox Sports channel in SD (regional network), and there is an HD feed for it, then the regional sports HD channel(s) E* is about to launch should be able to show it without blacking it out.

It looks like the plan is to make those HD games available to Center Ice subs only. So, maybe that ties back into them being blacked out somehow? But, for example, both D* and TW cable showed some HD Kings home games last season on their event channel that got the FSWHD feed and they were not blacked out. I am hoping that is the type of deal E* is working out too.

My head hurts... :)
Not sure of this, but if the game is on the local Fox Sports channel in SD (regional network), and there is an HD feed for it, then the regional sports HD channel(s) E* is about to launch should be able to show it without blacking it out.

And when are they about to launch these HD channels?

"Very, very soon?"

Maybe it's time to back out of this Dish contract and go with Direct so I can watch these HD games, I've already missed too many.

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