What is the best antenna for me?

At Solid Signal, we're asked that question dozens of times every day. You know what, it would be so great to write this article with one definitive answer. The truth is that the answer is different for different people. That's why encourage folks to call us and get a free, no-obligation antenna recommendation.. There are so many factors to consider that there's no one answer that fits everyone. Here are some of the things you should consider:

How far away are you from the broadcast towers?

This is probably the most important question. People in big cities may be only a few miles from a tower, while out in the "burbs" you might be 50 miles or more from the broadcast sites. The further away you are, the more likely it is that you'll need a larger, outdoor antenna.


Do you need VHF?

Almost all of the US is still served by at least one VHF station. It may be a station you don't care about (like a network you don't watch) or there may be a UHF channel with some of the same programs. If you need to receive VHF signals, it's more likely you'll need one of the old-school antennas you see above.

What's between you and the towers?

If you need to put an antenna inside, it's not only being blocked by your walls but probably also the walls of your neighbors. On the other hand if you have the luxury of putting an antenna up 20 feet from the roof, the only worry you'll have is a hill or mountain in front of you.

Do you need an amplifier?

Antenna amplifiers used to be a lot more popular than they are now. Digital signals tend to have a lower need for amplification except in very specific circumstances, so you may not need one. If your signals are far away and you can't use a large antenna, or if you need to send the signal to multiple rooms, an amplifier might still be needed.

Does my homeowner's association have anything to do with it?

Your homeowner's association can force you to keep your antenna smaller than 39″x39″. They can't force you not to put up an antenna in your private area, and if they do, you can fight it. If you do need a smaller antenna, you might consider one with a built-in amplifier to try to compensate for any problems you might have.

Get the advice you need

You don't have to make this decision alone. Even better, you don't have to rely on an app. There are plenty of web pages and apps that say that they'll help you find an antenna. The problem is, they don't ask the right questions. You really need an expert.

Luckily, you have Solid Signal on your side. We are the only site on the internet where a real person will look at your situation and recommend an antenna for you. I'm talking about real, certified antenna technicians who are ready to give you their best advice for free. Even better, if you don't like what they say, there's no obligation to buy.

Find out how it works! Call us at 888-233-7563. If it's after hours, no problem! Fill out the form below. We'll get right back to you!

The post What is the best antenna for me? appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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