What is Native on or off

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Jun 13, 2007
Reading various posts, I see the term Native on or off. What is this ?


Native on will output the signal on the component or HDMI to whatever the channel originates at be it 480p, 720p or 1080i. So if you watch ABC, it switches it to 720p but goes to 1080i if you flip over to CBS. The Off feature keeps it at whatever setting you have it set to regardless of the channel source.

The Native On has tended to slow down channel changing in past software releases. From what I have seen, its got a lot better over the releases. I cant do Native On since I have some TV's that cant do 720p or 1080i.
You have to be aware that some new HDTVs have a Native function, too, and that it can conflict with the receiver's Native function, causing all sorts of funky picture size issues. If that happens, leave the receiver's Native function off.
It all depends on the TV and your configuration. If you have a 1080p plasma that can handle all the formats and channels look better in their original format, then native on is better. There is no conversion or changeover on the signal. It stays in its intended format. That being said, some TV have limitations and some just look better in one format. I have 2 types of TVs. Ones that are 1080i and ones that are 720p. So I have to flip it back and forth to accommodate the TV. It just comes down to what works and what YOU think looks better. Dont listen to anyone that says you have to do one versus the other.
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