What is good or bad in a job interview?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 10, 2007
I just had one on Tuesday evening and am waiting for the results (anxiously). I'm excited because I feel like I would really fit in with them but, at the same time, I'm a bit concerned because the interview was so laid-back, relaxed, and just easy-going. It really was nice talking about my skills to smiles, laughs, and nods. I was expecting about a thirty minute interview but it wound up being just under an hour long. The last fifteen minutes were personal talking and joking as an entire group (there were eight including me). Is this a good thing or a bad thing and if I don't end up with this job (which will seem devastating as much as I liked the environment) what kinds of things can I do to maximize the opportunity?
it can be very hard to tell. On one level i would say that if you were interviwed bya large group it is probably a good sign. why would they waste the time of that large agroup if they were not serious and it likely would be that they wanted to see if you fit in with the workgroup.

But I have seen people lose jobs despite a good interview and i entered the field ia m in now after what I thought was a disastrous interview.
for me a laugh and smiles can never be a bad thing in mettings. just no that if its a govt job they may already no they wan't you but those thing stake forever.
Did you send a written (not email) thank you note to the interviewing manager the next day? I can tell you that that makes quite an impression.
I've not gotten the job for interviews that have gone great, and got jobs when I thought I completely blew the interview. It is so hard to tell.
I think it's always a good sign when the interview takes longer than expected. I've gone on a few interviews, but have been on the other side of the table for many. If things aren't going well, we always terminated the interview as quickly and formally as possible. When you "fit" and can laugh together, it's a really good sign.
Just curious, what type of job where you interviewing for?

Job interviews I've been on typically last anywhere from a half-day to a full day, typically with several interviewers. Now those are fun. lol
as was said, if it was bad you would have been outta there on time or sooner. It all depends on the job, i work in a technical environment and it would take multiple, 4-6 interviews, before you were even close to a job.

Normally an informal, 3-4 formal and then a closing interview just to follow up on any "red flags"

BUT i would say if you got on well with everyone and the hiring manager was there, you cant do much better.
It was in education at the university level. It was for an admissions office. I currently work in an admissions office at another university but I'm looking for a growth opportunity (within the field) and, before applying, I had found out it's about a $10,000 raise and the benefits / retirement are on the state level (rather than private). Oh, and not to mention I would be four miles from my house (rather than twenty-six).
if u donot get it ramember that u can reep in those unempoyment benefets for so long. if u donot hvae a job that is
fhsucade07 - sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Best of luck to you!

Thank you. :) I hope I'll know something soon. It was very positive and the experience was just wonderful.

scarson79 - I'm not interested in unemployment benefits. I currently have a job but am just looking to make a positive change.
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